Chapter 4

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I sat down my paws tingling with excitement as I looked to my brother seeing his face and small nod gave me even more courage.

"From this moment on, until you get your warrior name you will be known as Thornpaw, Badgerjaw you are ready for another apprentice, I hope you pass on your wits and courage onto this apprentice." Blazestar mewed.

Thornpaw held his chin high and puffed out his chest as he glanced to his brother Treepaw who had gotten Deathpaw now Deathscreech as his mentor. The leader had kept his word and held back the toms warrior ceremony for 2 moons! Venompaw now Venomfang and Sweetpaw now Sweetleaf had already become warriors before him.

Thornpaw looked up and saw Badgerjaw as he touched noses with him excitement flooded through his body.

He looked over his clan excitement in his eyes. As they cheered his and his brothers names. Pineheart and Ambereyes cheering the loudest.

"Thornpaw, Treepaw, Thornpaw, Treepaw!"

Thornpaw watched and sat by his brother, "Can you believe we are apprentices?'' Thornpaw asked excitedly. His brother only nodded his eyes foggy with grief probably about Petalkit and his mind seemed somewhere else.

Pineheart and Ambereyes came over to them. Ambereyes showered them with licks as they tried to duck away from her toungue, his father was purring "Congrats I expect my two kits to work very hard."

"Of course we will!" Treepaw mewed staring at their father. "I'm going to be the best apprentice, then warrior and finally leader!"

"Actually I think I will be." Thornpaw mewed though he knew it was just a silly idea trying to prove himself to his brother.

Pineheart purred "Well I would always expect this hoping one of my kits will want to be leader, well I have to leave on dusk patrol." Pineheart padded over to Patchfoot, Poppyfur and Wolfsong.

With a nod the patrol left. Ambereyes and Treepaw were already leaving. Treepaw talking excitedly to Deathscreech as Ambereyes shared toungues with Snowwing. Treepaw now looking sad as his tail drooped in the dirt headed to the apprentice den.

"Treepaw?" Deathscreech called, immediately he perked his ears. "It's not much but we can collect moss for your nest if you want maybe even some for the elders?"

"Okay!" Treepaw ran up to the entrance waiting as Deathscreech walked out.

Finally Badgerjaw padded up. "We won't be able to do anything like hunting or battling today, but I suggest you rest up get something to eat i'll show you the territory. Then if we have time get some moss." he mewed and went over to Bushtail and Soilfur.

Thornpaw sat in camp he wasn't very hungry despite the long day but eventually he went over to the pile gobbling down a thrush he was just about to grab a vole when Venomfang padded up with Sweetleaf.

"So I hope you have fun cleaning out the elders and nursery." the tom purred teasing Thornpaw.

Thornpaw just nodded looking to Deathscreech who was now back with Treepaw barking orders and seeming to get angry.

"Are you two still friends?" he asked not knowing since the two had been slightly distant since Treepaw had gotten hurt by the tom, which Thornpaw feared to happen again.

"Kind of, yes I think so at least." Venomfang stumbled then shook his head. Soon looking up. "I'm going to go to sleep early." he mewed leaving Thornpaw alone with Sweetleaf.

"Are you two mates?" he asked blurting out the question. Realizing he was being rude he flattened his ears "Sorry." he muttered.

Sweetleaf just purred, "You could say that." Thornpaw frowned and flicked his tail in goodbye as he made his was into the apprentice den. Many scents lingered Deathscreech's the most recent.

Thornpaw saw his brother in the den putting new moss in his new nest, along with the one beside it.

"Thanks," Thornpaw purred as he made his way over to the nest. He heard a grunt from his brother as he laid beside him his eyes lowering as he felt them get heavy from tiredness urging him to sleep.

Thornpaw awoke with mist around him as it was a forest full of stars. He stared around widening his eyes.

Thornpaw stared into the trees narrowing his eyes as he heard rustling. A cat emerged and looked at him three more coming out.

"He is the one? Look at him he doesn't look capable of his future." A sandy colored tom mewed looking down at the apprentice.

"Desertstar he looks fit and is already big for his age." Now a pure white she-cat mewed.

"Oh please Snowstar all apprentices look fit at this age" Another she-cat spoke though her pelt was jet black.

"Nightstar not every cat is big looking like him," now a brown tabby tom spoke. "Oh Thornpaw i'm Volestar." the tom mewed dipping his head to the apprentice.

"You will visit this place often as will others we will try to guide here,but beware of other cats not everyone in your dreams can be trusted.You have a great destiny ahead of you. Train hard and we can only hope you choose the right path." Volestar mewed as he and the three other cats began to fade away to darkness.

Thornpaw awoke with a start as he sat bolt upright in his nest his heart thumping loudly. What in starclans name was that dream? Who were those cats. He thought as his brother stirred beside him.

"Why are you moving so much, you okay?" he grumbled.

"Nothing just a dream," Thornpaw replied. As he moved out of his nest he got to the clearing stretching and began to groom his usually unkept fur. Noticing his father standing by some warriors probably arranging patrols. He sat down his stomach growling wanting food.

Once the dawn patrol left he decided he would grab a piece of freshkill anyways. Finally Badgerjaw came out of the warriors den though the dawn patrol had only left not long ago and Thornpaw just finished a mouse.
"Thornpaw, Bushtail is going to come with us." he mewed flicking his tail to the warriors den where Bushtail emerged. With a small nod the three left.

"This is the Ditch," Badgerjaw mewed flicking his tail to a hole in the ground. "All the clans meet here for meetings and the leaders climb onto the huge tree there." he mewed.

"I'll be up there someday," Thornpaw mewed his eyes sparkling staring at the tree.

Badgerjaws whiskers twitched with amusement "I'm sure you will, now lets hurry I want to teach you the basics of hunting. Especially with Bushtail still here, he's a fine hunter you know." he mewed as they went past the Desertclan border.

Some Desertclan cats were walking past as well. Two she-cats one seemed to be a warrior while the other was about an apprentice though both looked quite sour.

" Badgerjaw who is this?" the she-cat spat not making eye contact with Bushtail who seemed to be doing to same. The she-cat obviously was not very fond of Blazeclan cats.

"Hello Heatblaze this is Thornpaw my apprentice and i'm guessing that is your apprentice?" Badgerjaw calmy mewed back giving Bushtail and Thornpaw a warning glance to not be hostile back.

The she-cat stared at him then replied "This is Lizardpaw i'm showing her the territory."

Lizardpaw looked at the two cats "Why did you say Blazeclan cats were worse than Swiftclan cats again?" Lizardpaw mewed. Heatblaze just snarled.

"Just because they are rude, manipulating, destructive and dishonest cats!" she mewed staring at Bushtail saying it all then she turned back to her apprentice. "No arguing with me or you can clean out the elders den, you can talk to Blazeclan cats all you want at the gathering Lizardpaw but not here!" With that Heatblaze stormed off leaving Lizardpaw to chase after her.

"Lets go back to camp!" Bushtail let out a snarl as he watched the Desertclan cats leave then he turned his back. He followed giving his mentor a look to tell him to explain but he kept silent.

Authors note: Helpful and suggestive comments please I would like to get 3 votes on this chapter before I move on!

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