Chapter 5

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I crouched down my mouth open trying to catch a scent finally I see it scurrying across the forest floor.

Thornpaw quickly moved forward not giving the mouse anytime to react. Quickly it was dead it was quite scrawny, but that was expected because of leaf-fall. As some prey started to stuff themselves or store food eating less than usual.

"Nice catch!" Dawnpaw purred. As she came out of the bush. Along with Wolfsong her mentor Pantherpaw and Duskpaw now came out to. Venomfang and Snowwing following.

"Yeah good catch but I bet we could do better." Both the two toms Pantherpaw and Duskpaw boasted. The two had only been apprentices for not even a moon they just were apprenticed a few days ago. Already they were as cocky and arrogant as ever.

The hunting patrol had caught a decent amount of freshkill especially for leaf-fall which had just started and early.

"Let's head back to camp." Snowwings mewed grabbing a thrush he had caught and went back to camp.

Already cats were gossiping and rumouring of Sweetleaf going into the nursery, though everyone knew she still tried to hide it though Venomfang was as proud as ever though.

Thornpaw dropped his mouse on the pile resisting to gobble it all down. He padded over to the apprentice den. Dawnpaw on his heels. She moved beside him and sat having her pelt brush his, as they made small talk.

Thornpaw looked around for his mentor Badgerjaw. When he caught sight of Stonepaw which was now Stonepelt, now Eagleflight was saying that he was going to retire soon but not just yet.

Finally Thornpaw saw Badgerjaw. The tom caught his eyes and saw Dawnpaw beside Sabrepaw as his eyes lit up and his whiskers twitched with amusement.

"I'll see you around." Thornpaw mumbled, quickly padding off to his mentor before Dawnpaw could reply.

"Okay Thornpaw I would like to assess your fighting skills," Badgerjaw mewed but was interrupted by an eager Thornpaw.

"Great I can't wait to fight you again, it's been a while." Thornpaw mewed flexing his claws as he took a couple swipes at some leafs that fell.

Badgerjaw purred, "Oh you aren't fighting me, but Treepaw I would like to see how this would go!"

"So would we." There was a rusty mew behind them. Thornpaw turned and saw his father, Pineheart and Braveeyes.

"Braveeyes!?!" Thornpaw exclaimed purring. It had been so long since he had, had a chance to talk to the elder even with him cleaning out there nests they never had time to just sit and chat. He was always trying to focus on getting the ticks or cleaning the bedding. Braveeyes even looked more fragile than before.

"Well are we going to go!" Now there was a snarl, Deathscreech had Treepaw following him. His brother had a glint in his eyes that Thornpaw didn't like.

"You ready to look mouse-brained in front of our father." his brother hissed, his eyes slits as he crouched low down his tail swishing the leaves.

Thornpaw looked to his brother, he hadn't noticed how much he had grown! Now he was bigger than Thornpaw, he also looked very fierce. Not like his friendlier brother he had known less then a couple moons ago.

"I'm ready but not to be embarrassed. You should be ready for that!" Thornpaw mewed.

"Alright enough talk! Let's hurry this up!" Deathscreech snarled already padding out of the entrance. Treepaw followed behind him whispering to his mentor.

Pineheart and Braveeyes followed "Good luck!" his father purred as he passed by. Catching up to Deathscreech and Treepaw.

He gave a small nod to Treepaw. When Badgerjaw and Thornpaw got there Treepaw was ready standing in a soft tall grassy clearing. Only his tail sticking out of the tall grass.

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