Chapter 7

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Snowwings P.O.V

I ran through the forest giving chase to those Snowclan cats. After all even if I was supposed to be in their clan, I wasn't thats all that matters.

Snowwing followed the cats who had now slowed to a steady jog. Snowwing ran through some bushes trying to get his scent off.

"I think I smell Blazeclan!" his brother, Iceheart hissed opening his mouth.

"Of course you would shrew-brain sometimes I wonder why I made you deputy! We're in their territory now lets hurry!" Seastar hissed looking to Iceheart who had his eyes narrowed to slits.

Snowwing stalked following making sure they were leaving. He watched as Iceheart fell back and mentioned something about prey. Snowwings eyes lit up and watched as he padded wearily back into the forest.

Snowwing leapt out a purr rumbling in his throat. "Hello brother!" he mewed and he quickly brushed pelts with him.

Icehearts eyes lit up. "It's good to see you too!" he purred. "Look I know that the battle was tough and everything but I think we shouldn't meet anymore, don't get me wrong I like talking and getting to know you like kin should it's just-"

"Don't worry I understand, but I have to go back now." Snowwing mewed looking over his shoulder as if someone was watching.

Then they heard a snap. Iceheart not wasting anytime launched himself into the bush giving chase to what had made the noise. Snowwing ran after him keeping pace since he was used to the forest environment.

When they saw a pelt Iceheart leapt at tackling and pinning the cat to the ground. Snowwing eyes widened when he saw the cat under his brothers paws. He still hid in the bush not giving away his position.

Iceheart looked into the bush, then to the cat below. "Well, well, well look at the almighty warrior. Looks like your my prisoner for my clan. Hey I have an idea!" so the idea was said into the open but quiet. Yet enough for Snowwing to hear and flick his tail in agreement from the bush but still hesitant.

"Think about it. It will help you get close to that she-cat and even open a spot up for a loyal warrior like you to get a very high rank! Also help out my clan too!" his brother purred with satisfaction as he tried to convince Snowwing.

"Sounds like a plan then, I mean I guess, just make sure you or your clan decides to either kill him or drive him away far away!" Snowwing mewed getting very serious but with hesitation.

Snowwing dared not show himself, but when his brother was struggling to carry the cat he emerged.

"Well, well, well! Sorry Pineheart but I always liked Ambereyes and you knew it!!! Even when I told you, you said I could have her but instead you go off and even have kits! Besides I deserved to be deputy, not you! I think that I will have a much happier life once your gone. Yes i'll have to deal with your kits but it'll be fine." he mewed circling Pineheart all the moons of anger,pain and sadness taking over.

Finally he leapt tackling him, as his brother leapt out of the way. Smashing his head with his paws until he was battered and bruised. He had cuts all over his face, squinting his eyes trying to see through the blood of his cuts.

Iceheart who had been watching carefully, sunk his teeth deep into Pinehearts leg. Pineheart let out a yowl.

"Now Pineheart you have two options,you can die right here and now or you can stay prisoner in my clan." Iceheart mewed grabbing Pinehearts scruff.

Pineheart didn't say a word, which for the two meant going to Snowclan. As he was half limping half being dragged to Snowclan territory Snowwing asked for one thing and said one last thing to his brother after he had been given a few claw marks to appear more of a struggle.

"Remember either drive him away or kill him! I'll see you next gathering, oh and thanks." With that Snowwing turned with his almost blood soaked pelt. He dragged his fur through bracken. He hated the feeling of his long fluffy fur being pulled out but went on.

He ran a bit making himself tired before heading into camp when he said what happened. He watched smiling on the inside as slowly happiness swept through him.

Soon they would need a new deputy and maybe with enough time. He could even have Ambereyes as a mate. This gave him even more pride with Ambereyes at his side as he told her and her kits, Blazestar and the two medicine cats his fake story.

He had guilt yes but nothing compared to what hope, happiness and even sadness.

Thornpaws P.O.V

He stared at Snowwing awaiting the toms story. He narrowed his eyes as he noticed he was getting a little to comfortable beside Ambereyes. His father wasn't dead yet.

He sat in between Eagleflight and Stonepelt even though Eagleflight had retired he still helped out with the medicine cat duties.

Thornpaw perked his ears as Snowwing cleared his throat.

"Well as I said I was chasing away those Snowclan cats. When I heard yowls and I ran though not wanting to go into the open and possibly put myself in danger I stayed hidden. That's when I saw them Iceheart and a few warriors had pinned Pinheart. A couple left to go tell the rest of the clan they got the deputy probably. Anyways I leapt out trying to rescue him but I was to outnumbered, they teamed up on me and dragged him away. By the time I got away he was gone. I-I'm sorry." he mewed looking to Ambereyes, Treepaw and himself.

Blazestar stared at Snowwing putting his tail tip on his shoulder,"You tried you best, now if you could Snowwing as well as you two apprentices and Ambereyes you should leave I must think. " he mewed to the two.

Thorn paw left the den and watched as Treepaw bounded over to Duskpaw who then began smirking and talking taking glances at a lonely looking Pantherpaw. Thornpaw looked over to Dawnpaw who seemed to be talking to Thunderpaw and not in an angry tone either!

They both seemed to perk up seeing him. Thornpaw gave a slight purr but then looked to Pantherpaw and bounded over to the two she-cats calling out to him.

"Hey Pantherpaw you coming over here or what?" he mewed loudly making sure that even Treepaw and Duskpaw heard him.

Pantherpaw looked up a hint of hope in his eyes as he bounded over. "You know since I told them to stop bugging you they started talking about me?'' he mewed quite questionably.

They had started to settle down as cats had eaten fresh-kill and were sharing tongues. Thornpaw looked at him a hint of sadness in his eyes. He looked at him "I'm sorry, but you don't need those toms you can have me and even Dawnpaw and Thunderpaw."

At this Pantherpaw purred. Dawnpaw looked at Thornpaw "Well I think we should go get some rest now tomorrow is the gathering." she mewed and ran her tail briskly across his muzzle "C'mon Thornpaw." she purred.

Thornpaw looked to Thunderpaw, she gave him a sad look. "You can go if you want."

Thornpaw stared after Dawnpaw who was standing by Treepaw, Duskpaw and the entrance to the apprentice den.

" I'll stay out here with you a bit." he purred and laid beside Thunderpaw.

His pelt brushing hers. She smiled and he smiled back hoping he wouldn't make things to awkward with Dawnpaw.

Pantherpaw said his goodbyes to his new friends and went over to Dawnpaw, Duskpaw and Treepaw. Treepaw had his tail over Dawnpaws shoulder giving her a sympathetic look. Then giving a smirk to his brother for getting a she-cat that would've been his, but switching his face when Dawnpaw looked up.

When Thornpaw entered the apprentice den, he noticed Dawnpaw moved her nest beside Treepaws. Although upset he didn't mind as Thunderpaw lay beside him as he drifted off to sleep.

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