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I left gym class feeling lighter, my mind felt clearer after running laps around the field and it was just the thing I needed to escape for a moment.
Exercising was one of the only ways I could hide from my own thoughts and let my body take over for once. Which sometimes felt strange, just letting go.
Overthinking and over analysing had always been one of my bad traits, but it also helped me figure out the truth from lies a lot quicker than others.

Being able to focus on the wind whipping around my face, each controlled breath I took, the grass under my trainers crunching and the muscles in my legs pushing me forward with each step. It was a perfect release.

I was walking to biology alone when down the corridor to my left I spotted Jason standing near his locker, his back was facing me but I could hear his voice getting louder as I neared, he was arguing with someone.

I took a few more steps and recognised Chester, red-faced and scruffy looking. More scruffy than usual that is.

I slowly walked over, hoping everything was alright. I knew I had no business interfering but Jason was my friend now and part of me thought I could confront Chester again about the other night.

Then just as I reached them, Chester's eyes found mine over Jason's shoulder, he mumbled something that I couldn't hear and stormed off in the opposite direction.

"What was that about?" I asked him cautiously, walking around to his front and gasped when I saw his face. It was the first time I'd seen him all day without his sunglasses on, now looking up at him I could see why. He had a big purple-reddish bruise under his right eye.

"Shit Jase, did he do that?" I thumbed behind me to where Chester had left.
Is that what they were arguing about? What the heck happened?

"No, it wasn't him!" Jason said sternly and faced his locker, fumbling with the lock.

"Well, who the hell was it? That looks bad," I stated and suddenly felt my stomach twist at the thought of anyone hurting him.

"Have a wild guess April, who do you think would do this?" he let go of the lock creating a loud clunk as metal hit against metal.

"I-I don't know," I mumbled feeling unnerved as I sensed how angry he was and all I wanted to do was help.

"I need to go," he picked up his bag that I didn't see sitting on the floor beside his feet and went to walk away.

"Jase-" I reached for him but he held a hand up stopping me in my tracks.

"Just don't, not right now," pain clouded his eyes, pain and anger.

I swallowed hard, standing there unmoving watching him walk away, wondering which of those two emotions were directed at me until I heard the bell ring for classes to start, then slowly headed towards my biology class frowning.

What happened to him after he dropped me off? First Imogen said he was MIA and wasn't talking to anyone, now this.


Lisa and Joel were already seated when I walked into the class. They looked up and instantly I knew something was wrong.
Both of their eyes were wide, Joel mouthed something to me that I couldn't quite understand. It wasn't until I walked closer that I saw a familiar head of white-blonde hair sitting behind Lisa.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said out loud, not caring if he heard.

I walked past Lisa and Joel and scowled as I saw Adrian sitting on the stool that I had recently been using for my bag.

"Hey science partner," he mocked.

"What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes, walking around and reluctantly took my seat next to him after scanning the room and finding no other empty seats.
I was hoping that him driving off earlier meant that he went home and I wouldn't have to face him again, at least not today.

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