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Shota groaned softly as he finished filling out all of the adoption forms, now all he needed was for Hizashi and Denki to sign them. He smiled softly as he thought of Denki after they had talked more in-depth about the adoption last night he had admitted that he no longer wanted to be associated with the name Kaminari and they had all agreed with that decision. So from now on Denki would be an Aizawa as it was deemed safer to take his surname instead of Hizashi's.

"So I hear you had to cancel your parent-teacher meetings" Sekijiro stated as he placed his hand down on his desk so that he could grin down at him smugly which caused Shota's eyebrow to twitch slightly.

"Was dealing with so many fussy parents to much for you?" He asked teasingly which just made Shota's eyebrow twitch even more, especially when he noticed that Nemuri and Toshinori were also listening in from where they sat in the break room.

"For your information, Kan one of my students was severely attacked and had to be taken to Recovery Girl so I did not have the time to continue with the meetings" He growled back causing the man to stumble back in shock while Nemuri and Toshinori gasped.

"What happened?" Nemuri questioned worriedly causing Shota to sigh tiredly as he leaned back in his seat.

"Denki Kaminari's parents severely wounded him" He stated simply but with anger bleeding into his tone of voice which caused an uncomfortable silence to fill the room, though he did notice out of the corner of his eye Toshinori slip out of the room which caused him to roll his eyes. That blonde doofus probably cared about those kids just as much as he and Hizashi did so it didn't surprise him that he would want to comfort Denki.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up, I wasn't aware of how serious the situation was" Sekijrio finally said uncomfortably causing Shota to huff in acceptance before he stood up and picked up the adoption forms.

"It's fine, but I really must be off" He grunted before he left the room so that he could track Hizashi down.


"So he just burst in while asking loudly if you were okay?" Bakugo questioned in amusement as he leaned back in the chair next to Denki's bed. Denki just chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah it nearly gave me a heart attack" They said in amusement causing Bakugo to snicker.

A comfortable silence soon filled the room after that before Bakugo finally broke it.

"So you told Aizawa about being you GenderFluid, huh?" He questioned causing Denki to nod softly.

"Yeah, it just felt right" They said softly which caused a small smile to appear on Bakugo's face before he reached over and placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"I'm... uh... proud of you" He said uncomfortably causing a warm smile to appear on Denki's face.

"Thanks, I appreciate it" They said warmly to which Bakugo just nodded stiffly as he removed his hand before he started digging into his pocket.

"Here I got these for you" He said as he pulled out three beautiful woven bracelets, one was in multiple shades of blue, another was in multiple shades of pink, and the last one was completely monochromatic.

"These are beautiful" They gushed softly as they picked them each one up to examine them individually.

"There identification bracelets, you wear them to show what your pronouns are so those who know about you being GenderFluid won't have to ask and risk outing you by mistake" Bakugo explained causing Denki's eye to widen in awe.

"The blue one is for when you feel like a boy, the pink one for when you feel like a girl, and the monochromatic one is for when you don't feel like either" He continued to explain causing a watery smile to appear on Denki's face before they pulled Bakugo into a tight hug as tears leaked from their eyes.

"Thank you" They whispered causing Bakugo to grunt before he wrapped his arm around the blonde as he let them cry into his shoulder. Eventually, Denki pulled away from the hug so they could wipe away the remainder of their tears when they started to apologize for leaving a wet spot on Bakugo's shirt he quickly waved it away stating that it didn't matter. After that, they quickly slipped the monochromatic bracelet onto their wrist with a happy smile on their face.

"They are very beautiful, where did you get them?" They asked causing a faint blush to appear on Bakugo's face.

"I got Aunt Inko to make them, I didn't tell her who they were for but I'm pretty sure she figured out what they mean" He admitted causing a warm smile to appear on Denki's face.

"Can you tell her thank you for me?" They asked softly causing Bakugo to nod stiffy though he did look very pleased with himself.

They both glanced up when they heard the door open only to see Aizawa standing there holding some official-looking papers. Aizawa's eyes landed on the bracelets before he nodded slightly to himself as he turned to look at Bakugo.

"Bakugo do you mind leaving so that Denki and I can speak in private? You can come back and visit them later" He questioned which caused a large smile to appear on Denki's face while Bakugo just grunted as he stood up from the chair.

"Yeah whatever" He huffed before he left the room. Once he was gone Aizawa took up the empty chair and handed over the papers.

"These are the adoption forms, Hizashi and I have already signed them so all that's left is for you to sign them" He stated causing Denki to nod before they took the papers and the pen that was handed to them before they signed the papers.

"They're done" They stated as they finished signing before they handed the papers back to Aizawa causing the raven-haired man to smile.

"Now you are officially an Aizawa" He stated causing a nearly blinding smile to appear on Denki's face.

"I'm glad" They said softly before a curious expression appeared on their face.

"What do I call you now?" They asked curiously causing a thoughtful expression to briefly appear on Aizawa's face.

"In class, you'll still call me Mr. Aizawa, but out of class, you can call me Shota or dad if you're comfortable with that" He said which caused a soft smile to appear on Denki's face.

"Okay... dad" They said tentatively causing a surprised but happy expression to appear on Shota's face before he tried to hide it by clearing his throat and standing up.

"I better take care of these so it's officially official" He said uncomfortably before he started walking towards the door, he paused after opening the door so that he could turn to look at Denki.

"Hizashi and I will pick you once you're discharged so that we can show you your new home" He said before he slipped out of the room leaving behind a softly smiling Denki. 

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