Lots of Comfort

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(RockShark > SassyCinnamonRoll)

RockShark: Hey Mido, are you busy?

SassyCinnamonRoll: Me and Uraraka are watching a movie

SassyCinnamonRoll: Why do you ask?

RockShark: Well, um your mom wants you to come down to Aizawa's office

SassyCinnamonRoll: My mom? What's she doing here?

RockShark: It's really complicated and not something you should hear over text

RockShark: All you need to know is that it has to do with Katsuki

SassyCinnamonRoll: I'm on my way


Midoriya frowned worriedly as he and Uraraka stepped into Aizawa's office. He bit his lip worriedly when he saw his mom protectively holding Kacchan and Uncle Masura in a tight hug. Kirishima gave him a soft smile when he saw the two of them before gesturing for the two of them to come closer.

"What happened?" Midoriya instantly asked earning a soft sigh from Kirishima before he glanced at Katsuki, they had a silent conversation before the blonde huffed and nodded. Kirishima turned to look at them again with a soft smile as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Mitsuki Bakugo has been abusing Masura and Katsuki for years while blackmailing the two of them with each others safety, it's only now been brought to light what she was doing to both of them" He explained softly and Uraraka gasped in horror as she covered his mouth while Midoriya clenched his fists angrily as he thought about how his friend and uncle had been suffering and had no idea. Without even sparing a second thought on what he should do he spun on his heel and wormed his way into the hug, earning some grumbling from Kacchan but he didn't stop him from joining the hug.

"Is that why Bakugo seemed upset last night?" Uraraka asked worriedly and Kirishima just nodded.

"Yeah, he had just found out that his dad was being hurt" He said softly and Uraraka let out a pained noise as she glanced back at the group hug going on.

"Why aren't you a part of the hug?" She asked and he let out a sheepish chuckle as he rubbed his arm.

"It seemed like a family thing and I didn't want to intrude" He confessed which earned him a huff from Uraraka as she rolled her eyes at him. Before she could say anything on the matter however Aizawa stepped into the room, he smiled softly as he gazed at the group hug before he glanced at Kirishima and Uraraka.

"Mitsuki Bakugo is currently in police custody" He stated and Uraraka and Kirishima nodded in satisfaction.

"Good" They said in unison and Aizawa nodded in agreement before he approached the group hug so that he could let the little family know what was going on.

"Is it wrong that I want her to rot for what she did?" Uraraka asked softly and Kirishima just gave her a grim look.

"If it is then I don't want to be right" He practically growled and Uraraka just smirked slightly in agreement.


Katsuki sighed tiredly as he rested his head onto Eijiro's shoulder, today had been extremely draining and all he wanted to do was spend time with his boyfriend now that he knew his dad was safe since he was spending the night with Auntie Inko. The only problem was that stupid Deku and Round Cheeks refused to leave him alone.

"Why won't you extras just go away" He growled in frustration earning him twin pouts from the duo.

"Because we care about to Kacchan" Deku stated passionately and Rounds Cheeks nodded in agreement, he just let out an exasperated sigh he was too tired to deal with their cheeriness. Eijiro chuckled softly in amusement as he slowly stood up earning him a tiny pout from Katsuki.

"Come on let's head back to the dorms so you can get some proper sleep" He said as he pulled Katsuki up into a standing position, the blonde just hummed softly in agreement.

"Only if you'll stay with me" He stated seriously earning a warm smile from Eijiro as he snuggled into his boyfriends side.

"Of course Babe" He said softly and Katsuki smiled smugly while Uraraka and Midoriya shared an amused look as they all walked out of Aizawa's office. But before they could get very far Katsuki was suddenly tackled to the ground by a yellow blur which startled everyone else. Katsuki grunted in annoyance as he glanced up at Denki who was looking at him in concern.

"What the hell Pikachu?" He grunted in confusion as he sat up but Denki refused to let go of him and only tightened her grip on him.

"I saw the news are you okay Bakugo?" She asked worriedly as she searched his eyes anxious to which Katsuki just gave her a confused look.

"What was on the news?" He asked which only seemed to make her more upset as she pulled out her phone and showed him a news broadcast of his mother being arrested.

"Oh that, you don't need to worry about that Spark Plug, that bitch got what she deserved" He stated seriously and Denki's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before his eyes widened in shock.

"Was she like-" She began but he cut her off by nodding, this caused tears to appear in her eyes as she pulled him into an even tighter hug. He let out a tired sigh as he glanced up at Eijiro who was giving the two of them a soft smile.

"We're going to be here a while" He stated which earned him chuckles from Eijiro, Deku and Round Cheeks. He just sighed and attempted to comfort Denki who was distraught over the fact that she never noticed. Why did he have to have such emotional friends? Though he supposed it was nice to know they cared this much about him, not that he would ever tell them that. He did have a reputation to uphold after all. 

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