Familiarize the summary below!
Philosophy in Education
1. Essentialism - Teach Basic
2. Existentialism - Learning is learners choice
3. Perrenialism - Unchanging curriculum.
4.Progressivism - Change or progress
5.Pragmatism - Learning by doing.
6.Idealism - Ideal and value focus
7.Realism - Realisticwww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
Theories in Education
1. Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov (Dog, Food, Bell) Automatic Response.
2. Operant Conditioning - B.F Skinner (Rat) Reinforcement increases response and Punishment limits actions.
3. Social Learning Theory - Albert Bandura (Bobo doll) Children learn through modeling.
* Observation
* Attention
* Retention
* Reproduction/Recreation
* Motivationwww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
4. Connectionism - Edward Thorndike
*Law of Exercise (Drills)
*Law of Readiness
*Law of Effect5. Constructivism - Lev Vygotsky (Schema or Prior knowledge)
Teacher as the most knowledgable other that helps in guiding learning using scaffolding to acquire ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT.Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Humanistic approach
1.Physiological Needs (food, water)
2. Safety and Security
3. Love and Belongingness.
4. Self Esteem
5. Self Actualizationwww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
Ecological System of the Learning - (I forgot the proponent please see at the comment box)
1. Microsystem - Direct
2. Mesosystem
4. Macrosystem
5.Chronological SystemUtilitarianism - Good for all
Hedonism - PleasureType of Parents
1. Uninvolved/Neglecting - No rule no care
2. Permissive - no rule with care
3. Authoritarian - With rule no care.
4. Authoritative - With rule and carewww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
1. NC1
2. NC2
3. NC3
4. NC4
5. Diploma
6. Bachelor
7. Masteral
8. Post - DoctoralDomain of PSST
1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogies
2. (I forgot)
3. Diversity of Learners
4. Curriculum and planning
5. Assessment and Reporting
6. Community linkages and (I forgot)
7. Personal Growth and Professional Development.*Board of Professional Teachers - Must be a natural-born Filipino, A licensed teacher, with master or not. A member of APO must be 35 years old and above with a continuous 10 years of service.
*Qualification for LET - Natural born of a Naturalized citizen of Philippines, must be a bachelors in education. Other bachelors are allowed but must take 18 units of teaching content. Diploma and associates are not allowed to take the board exam.
* Special Permit for Teaching - given to the skilled or expert person. He is internationally recognized.
Assessment of learning - after Learning
Assessment for Learning - before learning
Assessment as Learning - Self-assessmentType of test
1.Diagnostic (Strenght and Weaknesses)
2. Formative
3. Periodical
4. Summativewww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
*Validity - Measures what it tends to measure and always reliable.
*Reliability - The consistency of the test but not always valid.Measure of Central Tendency
1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode
Measure of Variability
1. Range
2. Standard Deviation
3. Variancewww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
* Positive Skewed - Skewed to the right Low scores
* Negative Skewed - Skewed to the left High ScoreDifficulty Index
1 - Very Easy - Reject
0.80 - Easy - Revise
0.60 - Moderate - Retain
0.40 - Hard - Revise
0.20 - Very Hard - Rejectwww.facebook.com/groups/letreviewuniversity
Discrimination Index
Upper High - Lower Low = Positive
Lower High - Upper low = Negative = Reject