Chapter 11: I'll Turn Him Into A Flea, A Harmless Little Flea...

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In case you're wondering. Full Title:

'I'll Turn Him Into A Flea, a Harmless Little Flea, Then I'll Put That Flea Into A Box, Then I'll Put That Box Inside Another Box. Then I'll Mail That Box To Myself. And When It Arrives?? AHAHAHAHA! I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!'

Stupid Wattpad says only 80 character long titles. Smh.

"Alright Timmy, I know you're settling in but we've got a new problem."

Tim looked up from what he was currently doing, which was organizing the papers he had stuffed into a folder when they packed up his room. Of course he only took the important stuff, blueprints, scribbled notes, but his computers had to be left behind.

His new room was bigger, only slightly, by just a few cubic meters. Ten, Tim estimated, which added just about 16% more space for himself in this new room compared to the old one. Along with the new space he was granted more desks and while his old computers had to stay, he got new ones. There were three of them, all capable of running virtual renderings and 3D models of any program he could think of. What he was most excited about was the ability to put in variables and do any amount of trial runs with different components in various situations.

Dr. Kurr was sitting in the second chair in his room, elbows on his knees as he leaned forwards towards the busy five year old. Said five year old paused to twist in his own chair, intrigued and not at all annoyed by the interruption.

"What kind of problem Dr. Kurr?" Tim asked politely, settling down to make sure Dr. Kurr knew he had all of Tim's attention. It was important to listen to anything an adult said, Drakes pay attention and listen to what their superiors say.

The man blew out of his mouth, making his cheeks puff out and his hand came up to rub his neck. It must be a difficult problem, one that would make the scientist weary. Possibly meta related, more than likely actually, he was with M.A.Z.E. after all.

"There's a new meta tramping around, causing mayhem like usual." Dr. Kurr sighed, Tim could sense a 'but...' coming, considering 'evil meta causing destruction' really wasn't anything new. "But we can't seem to hurt him or gain any type of ground against him."

Tim frowned, putting a hand on his chin like he'd seen Dr. Kurr do sometimes when they started discussing theories. "Absolutely nothing hurts him? Like Superman?" Tim questioned. The problem was familiar, but Tim had figured out it was kryptonite that could weaken the meta, thanks to some replicated DNA and hours and hours over test tubes and more than half the table of elements.

Dr. Kurr glanced at him, putting a hand on his knee as he leaned to the side a bit. "We have figured out other meta's attacks can hurt him—"

Tim picked up where he was going, innocent to his own interrupting. "But the other Metas would never hurt their own." The child looked up to the scientist, a knowing sparkle in his eye. "You need their power."

Dr. Kurr nodded along, smiling and gesturing to the boy. "Exactly Timmy boy, do you think there is any way we can possibly suck their powers away? Maybe replicate them in a different form?"

Tim's brows furrowed, looking down in deep thought again. "Well it would depend on the power, certain abilities are physical rather than mystical, it would be a lot harder to manifest a physical power by itself without a 'host' so to speak." The boy looked up again, "do you know who's powers work against the Meta?"

"The Flash's electricity, not normal electricity, but his generated by speed specifically." Dr. Kurr supplied, "Superman's strength does seem to affect him, but he is smart like the Batman. He's not easily fooled by our tricks and even if he did he would decimated whatever trap we set for him." His explanation may have drifted into a power debrief for the kid but he didn't mind, knowing what this powerful Meta could do was just as important as know what could hurt him. "He is fast and possesses the power of flight. He doesn't seem to need to rest, he's been causing death and distraction in the city of Fawcett for nearly forty two hours now. His death rates have been climbing steadily and he's been targeting suburban areas where families live."

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