New assignment part 2

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The girls, Dr. Nefario, and some of the minions sat on the sofa while Gru and Lucy took their places in front of them.
Gru cleared his throat and starts to speak

"girls Lucy and I have some news about work."

"That's right!" Lucy adds "and it's big news."

Edith instantly perked up getting very excited as she was the one who loved her mom and dad's job in the spy business.

"What is it?! What is it?! Edith chimes in getting very excited.

"Why don't you let us get to that?" is Gru's response.
Gru cleared his throat nervously trying to form his words.

"Well, Lucy and I have been given a new assignment, and we're grateful for it but it means that..."

Gru couldn't bare to spill all the news because seeing the girl's faces look even remotely sad made his heart race. Lucy sensing Gru's anxiousness finished his sentence.

"...requires us to leave out of the country to work on the new case, it's only for six weeks so we'll be back before you know it!" her disposition was bright and cheerful as usual and did a decent job of hiding the small pang of sadness she felt.

Agnes the youngest of the family looked up at her parents with the biggest eyes she's ever made, even bigger than the time she got her unicorn. It was a new experience to be away from her mom and dad, since she'd been an orphan for so long, letting go of her parents even for a few weeks gave her feelings of fear she couldn't even begin to express.

Lucy sensing how Agnes was feeling scooped her up into a hug and whispered to her
"hey as I know it's your first time not having us around and it's going to be a bit scary the first few days, but tell you what Gru, and I will call you every night before you go to bed." Agnes listening to her gave a small sigh of relief and looked at Lucy with a smile, content with the response. Lucy being satisfied with Agnes put her back down and turned to the older girls.

"Margo, you're in charge of helping Dr. Nefario with Edith and Agnes, as he'll be in charge of getting you three to school every day." Instructed Gru.

"Okay." was the short response from Margo who looked up from her phone long enough to hear her duties for the weeks to come.

Edith was the last one to have anything to say firing off all the questions she'd been waiting to ask.

"Where are you going?"

"Who are you trying to stop???!"

"Can you send me pictures???"

"Will you tell me everything that happens??"

"Woah slow down there kiddo, I hate to break it to you but we can't say anything about this new mission, it could put you all in danger," Lucy responded

"Lucy's right! We don't want to put our family in any position to be hurt." Gru added in agreement.

Edith's face fell as she sat on the couch and pouted.

Lucy being the expert mom that she was knew how to make her better.

"I know what'll cheer you up, Edith!" Edith looked up raising an eyebrow daring her mom to try.
"A souvenir, not just for you but for Agnes and Margo too!"
The three girls smiled in delight at the idea of having something cool for their keeping. As they gave their last bit of instructions to Dr. Nefario they scooped up the girls, in a final group hug before going to their bedroom to start packing for their long flight tomorrow morning.

#1 I'm here to say that I'm sorry for not updating this in so long life's been rough
#2 I'm very aware there are grammatical errors I just ask that you don't point them out in the comments, I'll fix them later.

Well, enjoy this part! See you at the next one!
-Marie ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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