Chapter 5

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After a few mini panic attacks, outfit changes, and a short trip to a nearby winery and pastry shop, Quinn was finally able to process and accept the fact that she's meeting Simon's family. And on a very short notice!

I didn't even have the time to glam up or do my research about Swiss family cultures. Ugh! She thought. 

"You ready?" Simon asked as he took her hand.

Quinn sighed and gave him a nervous smile, "Yes." 

She closed her hand around his and walked by his side until they stopped next to a maroon sedan. Confused, Quinn looked up at Simon who was already opening the passenger's side for her.


Simon shook his head lightly and helped her get inside the car. When she settled, he closed the door on her side and opened the backseat to place the wine and pastries she bought - despite Simon's protests - because she didn't want to go empty handed. 

"My dad told me to use his car to come get you. "

"Remind me to thank your dad later." She smiled.


The drive to the Hoffstetter's residence only took thirty minutes, Quinn barely had time to review the basics with Simon - like how to address his parents, and who else is going to be there. 

"We're here." 

Simon tapped her knee after putting the car on park. She let out a loud sigh and looked outside the window. 

They were parked in front of a quaint two-storey house surrounded by a hedge with slight browning at the bottom part. On the right is a big tree with orange flowers, and right below that is a long table with a few chattering people.

"Your house is like one of those houses in fairy tales." Quinn couldn't help but comment for it really was. Everything looked like it was pulled straight out of a fairy tale. 

"Ahm, thanks?" Simon chuckled. 

Simon opened the door for her and gathered everything before leading her inside the fence. A little boy - probably around three to five years old - ran to Simon and shouted "Unkel!" before hugging his left leg.

Simon scooped the little boy up and kissed his cheek before turning to her. "This is Elias, my cousin's kid."

"Hallo, Elias." She waved at the boy.

"Schönä" Elias smiled and touched her face.

"He said you're beautiful." Simon smiled and  kissed her forehead making her blush.

"Danke, büebli."

"Ah, there you are." A voice from behind her said. Quinn turned and saw a plump woman holding out a tray of what looked like a mushroom cream dish.

"Mum." Simon smiled and went over to the woman and kissed her cheek. He then turned to Quinn and gestured for her to come closer. 

Quinn went closer and bowed, "Hi Mrs. Hoffstetter, my name is Quintana Rae Nakamura. Thank you for inviting me to your humble home."

"Please, any friend of Simon's is welcome to our house. Come and meet everyone!" The woman beamed and lead them to the long table under the big tree.

"Any friend of Simon's" She said. Not girlfriend, just friend. And your precious Simon didn't even bother to correct his mom. The annoying voice inside Quinn's head repeated over and over, it dampened her mood a little, she didn't even remember the names of Simon's relatives as they exchanged pleasantries. 

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