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Chapter 4

Yet again, Harry found himself waking in a strange place with no memory of getting there. He realized his glasses were missing from his face, if the blurry blob that was the room was any indication. He fumbled through what seemed to be a large nest of blankets and pillows until he found his glasses and slipped them onto his face. The room came into focus around him. He was indeed sprawled our on a large mound of blankets and pillows. A large window with moving stained glass pictures of flowers swaying in the nonexistent wind, overlooked the grounds of Hogwarts and a fair potion of the black lake. The room was small, hardly larger than a broomstick cubbord.

After a few minutes, Harry shook himself from his dazed state and hauled himself to his feet. He dragged his tired body from the room and busied himself with the task of finding his way back to Gryffindor tower from where he was. He got lost several times as the staircases kept changing on him abruptly, still eventually he made his way back to the portrait of the fat lady. It was evening when Harry climbed through the portrait hole. Ron an Hermione were nowhere to be found, probably in the library or the grounds. He sat down in an plush armchair near the fire. Outside it was a rather windy evening and large dark clouds were closing in bringing the probability of rain.

Physically Harry was fine having spent a large chunk of the day dead to the world, but emotionally he found that he was exhausted. He wanted to blame Malfoy but in the past days he hadn't been nearly as abrasive or rude, in fact Harry could scarcely remember a single comment or jeer. He furrowed his brows in confusion. Why had Malfoy stopped terrorizing him altogether?

He stared at the cracking fire, watching the small bright flames lick up the side of a small log with disinterest. Harry was so preoccupied in his own head that he didn't notice Hermione and Ron come through the portrait hole until they began talking.

"I still think we should go to Magonagle. He's been gone hours."

"And we've ruled out a girlfriend?" Ron asked. Although Harry was facing the opposite direction of his friends he knew what the loud crack that followed was. Hermione has hit Ron with a large book, probably one on "The Disappearances of Witches and Wizards in the 20th Century" or "Truth-telling Charms- throw out your veratiserum!"

"Yes Ronald, he would've told us." She said in a voice that reminded Harry of what she'd sounded like in her first year. He shivered, that year had not been a good one for Hermione's social life. "Besides, you said he isn't sleeping right?" Ron grunted in confirmation, she lowered her voice considerably so that Harry had to strain his ears to hear her next words. "I'll bet it has something to do with you-know-who."

"Hermione, no one's heard from V-  I meant You-Know-Who in ages." Ron said exasperatedly. It was true no one had heard from him since their fifth year after a run in with several Death Eaters in the department of mysteries and later Harry's confrontation with the dark lord himself. That wasn't a night he liked to think about, not only had he been possessed by Voldemort and almost killed on several occasions, his god-father Sirius Black had been killed in cold blood and it was his fault.

Although no one had heard from Voldemort since, his followers had been active all around Europe in the years since. Harry had no doubt that he would be seeing more of You-Know-Who in the near future but he tried not to think of that. Obsessing over when and how the next attempt on his life, by a cold blooded wizard as powerful as he was cruel, was enough to drive any man mad. So Harry focused on school, which unfortunately had become no picnic.

Harry caught the tail end of Hermione's question to Ron, "...because if he's in danger you know he won't tell anyone." She said sounding sad.

"C'mon Hermione. If it had to do with You-Know-Who he'd tell us." Ron said, not sounding sure.

"What if he's worried we'll be hurt." She paused for a while, both Ron and Hermione fell silent looking at each other worriedly. Hermione sighed and said, "Remember when Umbridge was literally carving words into his skin in detention?"

"Yeah I remember." Ron said wincing. Harry's hand prickled uncomfortably. He looked down at the scar which was now white but just as ugly as it had been spelling out, "I must not tell lies."

"He didn't tell anyone until I asked him about it." Her voice was getting thick with emotion. "And when I asked him why he didn't go to Dumbledore he said Dumbledore has enough on his plate."

"Hermione, You-Know-Who isn't lurking outside potions class to steal Harry every couple of days." Ron said, trying to rationalize everything, which was usually Hermione's job so the poor girl must've been pretty worked up. With that Hermione burst into tears and cried into Ron's shoulder.

FILLER! I'm sorry. Thank you so much for the reads.

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