Christmas Break Pt. 2

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Chapter 11

3rd POV Harry

Somewhat to his dismay, Harry spent the days leading up to Christmas Draco free. It seemed the silvery haired Slytherin was absent in the places he wanted him to be, namely by his side. He kept going over their conversation in the alcove in his head on an endless loop, trying to think what had gone wrong. What about the situation could possibly make Draco so angry. As usual he was oblivious. As far as he could understand Draco didn't like the idea of Male Pregnancies, he couldn't have known about the guilt eating away at the Slytherin. He went about his usual activities and did his best to catch up on the homework his teachers had assigned over the break. He found that his memory and ability to concentrate had greatly improved over time, unaware that it was because Draco had not used a memory charm on him for a while. He walked about the mostly empty castle, trying not to think about being lonely or missing his friends and Draco to an extent. He was mostly content despite the lack of social interaction and found the quiet days at Hogwarts to be somewhat peaceful. That is until the morning of Christmas eve when everything went wrong. 

The day started out in an ordinary fashion, with the morning sunlight filtering through a small crack in the curtains onto his face. He instinctually placed a hand on his belly where the signs of his pregnancy were now impossible to ignore. It seemed that the baby was developing far quicker than any regular pregnancy and even though he was only about four months into the pregnancy and barely into the second trimester. He was glad for his robe sizes being slightly too big for him to begin with as it now made hiding the baby bump from his classmates an easier task. He stretched and reached for his glasses on the nightstand beside his bed, he then balanced the round rims on the bridge of his nose and watched as the world came into focus. 

He slipped from beneath his warm blankets and sheets and began to make his bed. He had to admit it was somewhat easy for him to get used to house-elves cleaning up after him, but Hermione would poke him with a SPEW badge if she ever found out he was creating unnecessary work for the creatures, so he opted to just make the bed. When he was finished he rummaged through the large trunk located at the edge of his bed for a set of clean robes and his toiletries so that he could take a shower. He then grabbed his wand and slipped on socks and slippers and padded out of the Gryffindor dormitories and through the common room, making his way towards the prefect's bathroom. He had started sneaking into the less commonly used showers to avoid anyone seeing him naked and asking questions. But on that particular day luck was not on his side, for no sooner was he fully de-robed the door to the bathroom burst open and the voices of Alicia Spinnet and Lee Jordan came echoing across the tile bathroom. Harry froze in shock and then in a panic covered the prominent bulge in his stomach with his arms. But it was no use, both heads turned towards where he was standing at the showers and both mouths gaped open almost immediately. 

"Get out!" Harry cried in anguish and despair feeling tears welling in his bright green eyes. Neither Alicia nor Lee moved an inch for two full seconds, (which felt like two lifetimes to Harry) whose face had gone very pink with modification at what was happening to him. As if broken from some sort of trance, both of them squeaked out surprised apologies and left the Gryffindor to crumple on the floor in sheer shame. He didn't have to wonder what they were planning on doing together in the least used bathroom in the castle together, but he knew it didn't involve seeing him naked and very pregnant. He turned on the shower, feeling somehow filthy and deeply desiring to be clean again. When he was finished he turned off the water and looked down at the baby bump, softly caressing the place where his unborn baby was. He felt a large kick unlike anything he had ever felt the child manage before, and although it was slightly painful, a small smile crept onto his face despite everything that was happening. 

He wandered into the great hall, as late for breakfast as he possibly could be, (he was hoping to avoid a few choice classmates). But found that this plan was not a viable one, as Lee and Alicia were sitting in a group at the Gryffindor table talking in hushed tones to a small circle of Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. Harry sighed and chanced a glance at Draco who was sitting alone at the Slytherin table. He felt several pairs of eyes turn to him as he changed directions from walking to his own table to instead coming to sit down next to the gloomy Slytherin. Draco greeted him with an arched eyebrow, half surprised, and half incredulous. 

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