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To: @TeenTopIsLife Sorry for making you wait... again xD I had a lot of tests this week and I thought that I could write and study xD ... sorry~ and I'm also sorry for my spelling xD... there are some words that I forgot how to spell xD as I said before, english isn't my first language

Niel and _____ were walking down the sidewalk holding hands. It was a perfect day so they decided to go to the park were they met. On there way to the park ______ would giggle at the children running around there moms and yelling out while giving puppy dog eyes "umma! umma! look! there's a park! can we go?! please"

"they're so cute" _____ said still looking at the children. Niel looked at _____ and chukled "Do you want to have some then?" he teased her as he put one arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. she elbowed him on his chest and  Niel pretended as if it hurt him "perv" _____ said and stuck her toung out at him. Niel pouted "It was a joke. Don't take it too serious" then he laughed. _____ just rolled her eyes at her boyfriend then couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh too. While they were laughing _____ noticed an icecream stand and pulled on Niel's hand "let's go buy icecream!!!!" _____ shouted happily. "sure!" Niel responded and laughed at his childish girlfriend.They both ran to the icecream stand "Which flavor do you want?" Niel asked "vanilla!" ____ answered. " Two vanilla icecreams please" Niel ordered while handing the man the money. He nodded and started preparing the cones. Once they grabed their cones, ______ and Niel were crossing the street . While they were crossing the street Niel saw a bright light heading twords him then he got pushed to the floor before he could even react and heard a car horn the next thing he knew there were people screaming and running around . He stood up and streched out his neck searching despretly for _____ he glanced at the crowd and saw that there was a huge red puddle...'blood?... no, it can't be.' He thought and each second that passed his heart beated faster. He walked slowly into the big multitud of people and once he reached the center, his heart stopped. He thew himself on the floor crying loudly. It was _____ who was on the floor covered in blood. She pushed Niel once she saw the car, sacraficing her one life for his. Niel holded _____ 's head with one hand and with the other her hand. His hands and clothers are now stained with blood but he didn't care. Her face,arms and legs were all scratched up, her hair was soaked in blood and her icecream was on the floor slowly melting. ______ opened her eyes to see Niel and smiled

"Niel... I love you. Please forgive me for leaving you like this, for not being able to live our dream in getting married... but, I hope that I'll see you in the future many years from now. One day we'll be together again. But don't do anything stupid okay? again ,I love you..." _____ slowly closed her eyes and Niel was left there speachless and sobbing then he yelled "NO! I WON'T ALLOW THIS! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME... you can't...". He hugged _____ 's lifeless body  and continued crying.




since that day 1 year has passed and Niel lives in guilt. He thinks it's his fault for your death, if he reacted on time he would be the one in you place. He doesn't go outside anymore. Only to work and at night he showers and dresses up nice to go to the park. It was 10pm and Niel was walking to the park. When he got to the park he cried in silence

* "HEY! LOOK OUT!" Niel turned around and to soon realize that he was hit with a bicicle. He was now on the floor and a girl was on top of him. "I told you t-..." the girl said but soon stoped as her eyes met Niel's "sorry...". "It's fine.Are you okay?" Niel smiled. "Yes I'm okay. " the girl blushed and quicky stood up with Niel doing the same. "by the way, I'm Niel" he said and extended hi hand for a handshake

"I'm _______" she smiled and acepted his handshake.* Niel cried louder after remembering. He fell on the floor crying, he didn't care anymore. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME,HUH!?! WHAT HAPPEND TO OUR DREAM OF GETTING MARRIED AND HAVING LOTS OF CHILDREN? OR HOW WE WERE GOING TO GROW OLD TOGETHER?... who am I going to hug when I'm sad, who is going to tell me that I'm an idiot or tell me 'I love you' just like you do?" he continued sobing then he felt arms wrap around his neck and tears falling down his shoulder as someone wispered into his ear "I love you... please take care of you self I don't know what I would do if anything happend to you". Niel knew who it was, he turned around to hug ______ but when he did. no one was there.'Idiot' he thought to himself. He stood up and started walking home as he remembered every moment he shared with _______... *BEEEEEEEEEP!!!!* Niel, was now laying on the ground dead. He saw a white light and walked to it. After he walked through the light he was in in the middle of nowhere. He looked around and saw a girl in a white dress dancing around in circles. He got a glips of her face and thought 'no... it can't be her' he looked around some more and noticed that he was wearing white clothing.

"when did I change?" Niel said out loud. The girl stoped dancing. she looked behind her and walked closer too him. "... omo!... Niel?..." Niel froze when he heard that voice, he turned around slowly and his eyes widened. "you died didn't you?... Babo... what part of 'I hope that I'll see you in the future many years from now?' didn't you get?... anyways, I'm happy that I from now on I'll be able to see you" _______ smiled. "wait... I'm dead?" Niel asked confused. _______ nodded "don't you remember?". He started to think and remembered seeing a car heading his way as he was walking "ohh... I got ran over by a car. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Because now I'm here with you. Right? that's how this works? that we can be together forever now?" . _______ laughed "yes" . Niel ran to __________ , hugged her and started to spin her around as her kissed her lips. he put her back on the floor and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you" Niel wispered into ________ shoulder as he started to cry. "I missed you too" __________answered and hugged him back . "I'm not gong to let you go ever again." Niel affirmed as he looked at ______ . He started to lean closer and closed his eyes, ______ did the same. and finally, they kissed

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