Chapter Four: Party Planning and Paparazzi

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The cold air nipped at Daisy's bare legs as she navigated her way through the crowded streets, to Chantelle's. She smiled as she noticed that the coffee shop was not nearly as busy as the bustling streets outside. She was embraced by the aroma of sweet treats and bitter coffee as she pushed the door open and stepped in. Daisy clutched the brown satchel in her hand as she walked up to the counter.

"Is Chantelle in?" Daisy asked the barista, whose name tag read Jenny.

She shook her head, her blonde ponytail moving side to side with each movement. "No, but you're Daisy?" she asked wearily, a smile took over her face when Daisy nodded. "Chantelle told me you'd be coming today. She's not very well, but the booth at the back is yours. It should be pretty quiet today anyway,"

"Thank you, could I get two cappuccinos when my client comes? Oh, and a few cakes please?" Daisy smiled and tapped the company card, that she always carried in her purse, on the card machine.

After declining the receipt, Daisy walked to the booth at the back of the bakery and slipped in. She pulled out her black binder, filled with ideas for a variety of occasions and her planner. A small yellow post-it-note fluttered out and landed on the table in front of her. Her eyes scanned over her mother's cursive writing.

Have a good day at work, love you. Mum x

A grin appeared on Daisy's face as she thought about the weekend she had spent with her mother. Not only did they spend quality time together, they spent it together without an episode, without a blip. My mum's still in there. She folded the note in half and tucked it into the front of the brown satchel.

"Morning, Daisy. I'm sorry I'm fourteen minutes late," he smiled as he slipped into the booth opposite her. "Thank you for fitting me in on such short notice," Kyle began as he adjusted the cap on his head. "I would take it off, but I don't really want to draw any attention to us... I don't know how but they seem to be able to spot me from the back of my head," he chuckled.

"It's fine. I would say I know what it's like, but I don't," she laughed, open the black binder to a page labelled Birthdays. "Take a look through this folder... These are just a range of ideas that I've just compiled over the past years... Obviously it'll all be tailored towards the person, their favourite flowers, colours etc."

Daisy could feel the gaze of the barista on them as Kyle began to flick through the pages and Daisy wished she would bring her coffee. Whilst Kyle turned to another page, she picked at the skin around her nude painted nails. She placed her hands on the top of her knee length, black denim skirt to stop her habit.

Nerves bubbled in the pit of her stomach as Kyle's brown eyes soaked up every detail on the page.

A tray banged on the table caused Kyle to jump, snapping him out of his trance. Daisy stifled a laugh at the sight as he smiled a sheepish and perfect smile. Either he's always had perfect teeth or he's had work done... She diverted her gaze to Jenny who placed the coffee's down on the table.

"No way," Jenny breathed, staring directly at Kyle. "Shit, it's Kyle, Kyle Rhodes from Five Ways," she continued, her hands shaking as she placed the cakes down.

Daisy could see Kyle's discomfort as he shifted in his seat. Jenny stood gawking at him, her mouth hanging open slightly as she revelled in his beauty. Daisy could see the attraction. His deep brown eyes, strong jaw line and the neatly trimmed beard that was framing his face. Yet, she knew that staring at someone, whether they were famous or not, was rude.

Do I tell her that we are in the middle of a meeting? Or that-

"Hi," Kyle said looking at the young woman, "um, did you want a photo?"

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