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Perhaps the Ancient One liked Hazel, just a little. But she didn't dare act on it; imagine, a time being so old and powerful as the Ancient One loving a student so young and careless as Hazel Grace. Besides, she had a job to do, things to monitor in the mystical world, and between that and taking care of herself, the Ancient One had little time left over. And that time would be spent doing something more productive than playing games with her newest student. However, this afternoon, the Ancient One was distracted and compelled to find out why.

While making an inquisitive round about the sanctuary, the Ancient One first noticed that the place was cleaner than usual, and the various alters and candle spaces throughout the grounds were decorated with flowers, candles in green and orange, and birds. Pictures of birds, figurines of birds, the word "bird" written in fancy letters on pieces of stationary. What was all this about? Was this all Hazel's doing?

She found said student in the courtyard, playing a game with her favorite tree.

"Was this your card?" Hazel asked, holding a tarot card up for the tree to see. The leaves shivered. Hazel chuckled and put the card back in the deck. The Ancient One peered over her shoulder at the spread of cards laid out on a velvet cloth.

"Tarot reading?" she asked. "I had no idea you were interested in divining."

"Oh, I'm not," Hazel shrugged. Then her fingers grew feeble as if she just realized who she was talking to. "I mean... not really. I was just..."

"Is this a game?" The Ancient One raised a brow as she surveyed the spread.

"Um... yeah," Hazel nodded "My guest picks cards, then I tell them a story or give them a fake reading."

"That sounds interesting. Would you read one for me?"

Hazel's hands stilled, but it wasn't a terrified motion. Just thoughtful. She raised her head to scrutinize her elder. She kind of expected the Ancient One to just be polite and leave, yet here they were.

"Sure," Hazel's mouth curved into a wide grin. "Go ahead and sit down."

The other sat on the bench in front of Hazel as the girl gathered her cards and began shuffling.

"Now," Hazel began in her most captivating voice. "I'm going to ask you questions, then pick cards based on your answers. You don't have to be completely truthful with your answers. Actually, just lie to me-the cards won't know the difference."

"Alright," the other nodded.

"Okay, tell me about yourself. What was your kindergarten boyfriend's favorite color?"

"I didn't go to kindergarten. It wasn't invented back then."

Hazel narrowed her eyes and glanced at her phone. "HERMES, when was kindergarten invented?"

The AI replied, "The first kindergarten was established in 1837 by Friedrich Froebel."

"Alright," Hazel shrugged and put a card face-down on the velvet cloth. "Have I ever told you that you look good for you age?"


Hazel put another card down. "Do you dogear book pages or use a bookmark?"

"I use a bookmark, of course," the Ancient One looked offended that Hazel even asked.

"Oh, good," Hazel nodded. "I don't have to question your leadership skills now. Age?"

"Older than you, I'd imagine."

A few passing students lingered and stared. What was the Ancient One doing out of hiding receiving a tarot reading from that girl? Probably just making her feel better? Teaching a lesson about the ineffectiveness of tarot readings? A pair of students grew to a small group of acolytes and novices spread about the yard, listening but not looking, eager to see the Ancient One receive a tarot reading.

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