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Hellen kept her head lowered as she walked through the Sanctuary looking at all the items various people had to sell in the market. One of her jobs was to make sure that they didn't have anything they weren't suppose to be selling. Things that could be used by Negan or his men – or wives for that matter. Glancing over the supplies the sellers all kept their heads lowered while she passed by them. This wasn't unnatural at all. They simply didn't feel the need to make eye contact with the woman that was so often by Negan's side.

Rumors went around since day one that she was his Queen. That his wives were just there to please him, but that she and Negan were the two who ran things – well, Negan ran them but Hellen was there by his side. She found it almost funny, seeing as how she would never become Negan's wife, but she was willing to sexually please him when the need was to raise for the both of them.

Arching a brow Hellen smiled a bit as she picked up an old Gameboy Color. It was purple – just like the one she had as a child. Holding it up to the older woman she spoke.

"How much?"

"Just take it."

Eyeing the older woman she knew that she was afraid to give an actual price. Frowning Hellen never worked that way. She wasn't like the others and took whatever it was she wanted for her personal use. Turning the Gameboy around she seen it had 102 Dalmatians a fun game she use to play often on the Playstation.

"Tell you what – I'll give you three hundred points for this and the game?"

The older woman's eyes widened a bit as Hellen started to pull her black backpack off her back and dig through the bag until she found her points. Ripping off a page of it she handed it to the older woman, who quickly took it. Three hundred points was equal to about thirty dollars – give or take – to people around here.

"Thank you, ma'am."

Knowing the older woman was happy to have it, Hellen nodded and flicked the device on. It had batteries in the back, but was missing the back cover which held the batteries, and it came to life with the tittle menu. A smile on Hellen's face had her put the Gameboy into her bag after shutting it off.

"No problem. Thank you."

She replied tossing the bag back over her back and walking away from the table. Least she knew that woman would be able to eat for the next while. Looking around Hellen seemed to find that nobody was selling anything they weren't suppose to be. Feeling pretty good about her day now – her birthday – she walked to the court yard where they were growing food in man made plots. Some men bowed their heads as she passed by, but she waved them off having them go back to what it was they were working on.

She didn't get to where she was by being an asshole to them – and they all knew it. She got here by doing what was right by them and helping those in need. Unlike Negan, she wasn't one to bash someone's head in and instill fear into them at the drop of a hat. She swore sometimes that Negan was bi-polar as fuck, but of course there was no way to prove it. Walking over to a tomato she turned it around seeing that it was growing, but slowly. Having her lips cock to the side she noticed that other plants were taking their sweet time growing as well. Pulling up some black soil into her hands she rose from the ground.


She called out to the older man, who was the farmer for the plants. He climbed up off his knees and waddled over to her.


"Harrell we need better soil, yeah? It's taking its time growing and we can't have that. It's a factory, which means ground round here's dead."

She explained having him nod in agreement. They both knew this was a problem and had been since they arrived. Nothing wanted to grow because the ground was toxic from the smoke and the workers that use to dwell here. Now they were paying the price.

"Get your boys together and go a few miles out tomorrow. Have them take a truck and fill it with top soil from a forest or somewhere where stuff is thriving."

"Will do Miss. O'Connor."

Patting his arm she smiled before taking the soil she had pulled up from the plot with her hands and tossing it back to the ground. She made her rounds quickly after that. Everyone was working well in the armory, the kitchen was running smoothly, and she even had time to check out the teachers and make sure that the children were learning.

There was few of them – but there was children.

On her way back to her apartment Hellen stopped hearing someone whistling. Rolling her eyes she turned around seeing Negan walking after her, his bat in hand, making his way through the hall like he owned it – which he did of course.

"How's everything, kid?"

He questioned causing her to roll her eyes.

"Fine. Everyone is doing as they're suppose to. I checked on the plants today and told Harrell that he needs to get his boys together tomorrow to go a few miles out and pick up some soil that isn't royally fucked by the toxic ground here around the factory."

Negan hummed moving to put his beloved bat down on the ground by his leg. She was still in his hand, but he was relaxed about it.

"You're really runnin' the place, girl. Damn kinda hot hearing you take charge and shit."

Hellen couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit. Negan always had that effect on her shortly after they had met. He was always so laid back and that sense of humor that he has always got her laughing or smiling – she hated the man sometime because of that.

"Yeah, well, I watch and I learn."

She shot back causing Negan's brows to shoot up. A large toothy grin slipped to his lips as a deep chuckle ripped through his chest.

"Learnin' from Daddy, sweetheart?"

It was her turn to be shocked by his suggestion. Stepping toward him, Hellen placed her hand on his chest and moved it up to his peppered beard.

"Of course, Daddy."

Negan cursed under his breath as he dropped Lucille in the middle of the hallway in order to grab her up around her nice thick hips. A gasp passed through her lips as Negan's lips came down onto hers and her back hit the wall beside them. Negan's hand came out and frantically reached for a doorknob that was to his right. Opening the door he barged inside slamming the door shut with his foot while their tongues molded together.

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