descriptions and personalities of the characters in my opinion

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IVE FINALLY FIXED IT!!I'm not doing Remy or Emile right now just so you know. I'm also trying to make the sides as racially diverse as I can without it being stereotypical or racist so try to not feel offended if I get something wrong but if it really bothers you let me know what I can change. I'm also not using the official birthdays because I don't want to.
Also this is my own AU it's like a human AU but like not anyway it's weird just like ignore the whole AU thing for now.
-All of the Sides-
Why The Sides mothers had been friends since middle school and has always lived close together,even after having children. Remy is the oldest. Following soon after is Emile, Roman,Logan, Deceit and then Patton and finally Virgil. All of the Sides were fortunate enough to be fairly wealthy. Deceit and his sister Nikki come in later coming from a poor part of Louisiana to Northern California(where the rest of the Sides grew up). Before Deceit and his family moved to California, they grew up poor and couldn't afford much.
Roman was born on July 9,1998(Cancer) along with his twin Remus.Roman is the oldest and tallest of the Sides.Roman was older then Remus by 7 hours.The boys were born almost identical.Both Roman and Remus were born half Hispanic and part Italian and were very tan.Roman soon developed neutral brown curly hair and Remus had the same hair but had a light gray streak down the middle.The boys both had bright amber eyes, Remus' later becoming more hazel as he ages.As toddlers,the only way to tell them apart was their behavior.Roman was usually very demanding and whiny whilst Remus was a train wreck.Remus shouted constantly and always had a fascination with bugs(I'm sorry but Beetlejuice,Beetlejuice,Beetlejuice). The twins also grew up with two older sisters who were also twins.Their names were Belle and Ariel. The girls were born 3 years before the boys on July 7,1995. Just like their brothers,the girls were very tan with neutral brown hair ,the two girls were also complete opposites.Belle was demanding and almost spoiled and had amber eyes like her brothers and father while Ariel liked climbing trees, playing pranks and had hazel eyes like the children's mother. The family had the most money out of the group and the parents spoiled their children constantly. Roman and Belle grew up thinking that they needed to be "Perfect" and orderly. Remus and Ariel usually didn't follow up to these ideas but Roman and Belle did. Roman's family had a huge obsession with theatre and Disney(that's why the girls' names are Belle and Ariel so original I know). This obsession became so large that Roman literally had a poster for almost every Disney movie and Broadway play. Roman and Remus later learned how to speak Spanish like the rest of their family.
Logan was born on September 17,1998(Virgo). Logan was born with straight(hehe) black hair, deep blue eyes, and was lightly(emphasis on lightly)tanned due to his Indian blood.  Logan also grew to be the second tallest of the Sides. Logan's father was Indian and his mother was mainly French but did have some Italian in her blood. Logan grew up with a sister and a brother that was a year older than him. His name is _____(idk what the next darkside is so like I'm just gonna keep this for now). His brother and sister were born with way more Indian features than Logan. His sister, Jazzimine, has the same dark hair as Logan but had much tanner skin and a sharper nose. Logan later learned French, Simlish, and Italian. Logan's mother became a drug addict when Logan was very young, 3 months old, and went to jail after the divorce with Logan's father. Logan's father would later marry Virgil's mother, making the boys step brothers(sorry but I ain't no analogical shipper)
Virgil was born on March 23,1999(Aries). Virgil was born Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Mexican. He developed dark, almost black, lightly waved hair with brown, almost purple eyes and a light dusting of freckles along his face and shoulders that were from his mother.Virgil grew to be the shortest of the Sides. Virgil has two older siblings named Vennessa and Remy. Vennessa was born the same year as Jazzimine, Ariel, and of course Belle. And Remy was born a year before Virgil.Virgil's mom divorced Virgil's father while she was pregnant with Virgil because she was being physically abused by her husband.Virgil's mother was sarcastic and lived on the cool side of things. When Virgil was around 11 he had severe anxiety and panic attacks so much that he needed medication once every 6 hours, so he didn't attend parties not only because of his social anxiety(honestly me) but also because he need medication. Virgil didn't tell is friends about it until he was about fifteen though so they wouldn't worry about him. Logan's father and his mother got  married when he was 6 years old.
Patton was born on January 13,1999 (Capricorn). He's taller than Virgil but shorter than Logan, has a honey skin tone with freckles all over his entire body, and had Light blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Patton had a lot of siblings. Patton by far had the biggest family with his oldest brother Micheal, his older siblings Miley and Patrick, who were twins, and his two younger siblings Joan and Sally who were also twins. Patton didn't really know a lot about his nationality other than being part Italian(basically all he knows is that he's white).Patton was mainly closest to his sister Miley and his oldest brother Micheal. Patton loves all of his siblings but he had a special connection with these two. Micheal would later die due to a drug overdose.
-Deceit-(Don't question my choices for him)
Deceit was born on October 16, 1998.(Libra) Deceit was born a stocky black Hispanic boy(stay with me)more specifically, Jamaican,Dominican,and African American,with dark yellow eyes that could be mistaken for brown. He grew up to be a little shorter than Logan but still taller than Patton and Virgil.He originally grew up in the western part of Philadelphia with his sister, Nicki. Deceit grew up with not a lot of money so when they moved to California, it was a huge shift in his life.

Birthday list
Roman and Remus:July 9,1998(Cancer)
Logan:September 17,1998(Virgo)
Virgil:March 23,1999(Aries)
Patton:January 13,1999(Capricorn)
Deceit:October 16,1998(Libra)
Remy:May 28, 1998(Gemini)oh my lord that fits them so much
Emile:June 26,1998(Cancer)

Body types and height head cannons(also if they are tops or bottoms)
Roman/Remus:6'0muscular but not like a body builder more like "I go to the gym like 3 times a week" kinda bod Remus is a little bit less muscully but still(both top Except Roman's a virgin)
Logan:5'11 skinny and lightly muscular from genes(top but a virgin)
Virgil:5'7 slim thic queen(Virgil has a normal body but he got kinda thic feminine curves(with only one c because he not Patton thicc but he be a little thic)he's a bottom and a virgin
Patton:5'7thicc He highkey got curves and low key lil chub(bottom but doesn't understand sex yet)
Deceit:5'8 stocky and lightly muscular from genetics and experience(top)
Remy:5'9 slim twink-ish body(top)
Emile:5'10 average body not too muscular or skinny but not to out of shape or chubby(he basically got a cute therapist bod also a bottom virgin)

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