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Izuku was sitting in the caferteria eating katsudon, alone Hitoshi hadn't showed up. He had looked into several of the staffs minds and apparently class 1 A had gone to some kind of training ground, but they should've been back earlier. The teachers put it down to Aizawa being a task master and Thirteen being unable to convince him to stop while All Might had failed to get there. Izuku had a very very bad feeling about it.

As Izuku was lost in thought amd fiddling with his glasses he heard the rustling of paper and clinking of metal, then slam several schematics and prototypes of some kind of mouth guard speaker and earpieces were dropped onto the table.

"Alright these baby here will project or silence your voice a lot, it also records other people so you can mimic their voice not sure how you're going to sort through who you sound like but I'll work that out later, these cute little babes here will help you here people from further away, not sure if your quirk works like that but I thought it'd be cool and where's brain wash boy".

Izuku calmly said "Shinso is doing some kind of hero training rescue focused I believe, you can bring your gear back later or wait here he should be coming by any moment now, why are you so close". Mei was mere inches from his face and seemed to be studying him "Whats your quirk". Izuku quirked an eyebrow "Its a mental quirk like Hitoshi's I call it invasion as I can enter someones mind and do just about anything I want, though continuous control like Hitoshi seems to be impossible for me to accomplish, I also passively pick up thoughts and memories, its purely mental so I doubt you can design anything for it . . . that isn't a drug or an implant, I'm not taking drugs or getting implants".

Mei smirked "Challenge accepted I will build you the most glorious of magnificent babies to make your quirk even better, that isn't a drug or an implant". Izuku went to express gratitude with a simple thank you but instead said "Rootin tootin, you know that ones not that bad".

Mei smiled and Izuku smiled back, though a lot less enthusiasticly. Then Izuku's head snapped to the door "Hmm whats happening"."Someones coming and they're panicked". Then Iida Tenya burst in panting.

Hey so I think I'm gonna make another storauin the twin au style.

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