Chapter 2.

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The house party wasn't far from the apartment at all so I was able to get there in less than five minutes. The street was packed with cars, making it hard for me to maneuver into a parking spot.

I jumped out of the car faster than ever and ran to katie, who was already standing in the driveway.

We barely greeted each other before I asked her to direct me to where Cameron and Garret was. She led me through the house of sweaty people, ultimately leading to us being in the backyard.

Katie pointed to Cameron who seemed to struggle under the restraints of two guys. I ran over to Cameron who looked beyond pissed.  He tugged away from the guys and they finally let him go.

"What were you thinking? Cam, you need to stop getting into fights with Garrett! This is ridiculous." I say, my body betraying my mind who says to be furious as I pull him close to my side.

I didn't bother to look over at Garret as we walked towards the gate in the backyard. People stared at the both of us but I didn't care, just kept on tugging the drunk boy to the car.

I will never understand why Garret and Cameron haste each other. They used to be friends our freshman and sophomore year. Then they just started to hate each other.

I sat Cam in the backseat of the car and then got in myself. I wanted to figure out what happened tonight and stuff but before I could say anything, Cameron started leaning in.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a nervous chuckle falling past my trembling lips.

He didn't bother to answer, the silence in the car beggining to  swallow me whole. Before I knew it, Cameron's lips were on mine. At first it was a sweet, soft kiss and then it got deeper. I was pulled on top of Cameron's lap not even breaking the kiss. Cameron started to unbutton my blouse and I let him because wow, he was a fabulous kisser. Now we were having a full on make out session. Cameron put his hand on my thigh and the other on the small of my back.

As much as I didn't want to, I pulled back.

"Cameron we can't do this. We are just friends." I said buttoning up my blouse. I got off his lap then got in the drivers seat.

Its safe to say that that ride back was the most awkward three minutes of my life. We finally got back to our apartment complex and I got out to help Cameron out of the car. I helped him stand up but after that, he refused my help. Is he mad at me now? He managed to wobble to our apartment and to his room.

I didn't know what to say to Cameron. I was confused as to what happened. It was weird because everything we did in the car I liked. It felt good to touch him in that way, for him to touch me. I stayed up thinking about it all night. Does he feel the same way about me? I don't know but I just need to shake it off and forget about it.

Ok so the next part is all in Cameron's POV starting off after Samantha left to go to school! Just letting you guys know(:

Cameron's POV:

After Samantha left, I got so bored. Just knowing that she's around is fun even if I am not talking to her. I decided to watch TV for a little while until I called my friend over. Ten minutes after I called, matt showed up.

"What's up man?" I haven't seen you in a long time." Matt said pulling me into a bro hug.

"Nothing much man. Just doing what I always do" I responded. I'm glad I got to see matt today.

We made small talk until he brought up the house party tonight.

"So are you going tonight? I heard its gonna be really fun" matt asked.

"I don't think so man. I think I am just gonna wait for Samantha to get home and do some cleaning around here" I said laughing.

" Nahh man, you can't just stay here. You have tomorrow and the next day and the next to see Samantha and clean." Matt said with pleading eyes.

"You're right man. Lemme just go get ready real quick and write Samantha a quick letter." I didn't want to interrupt her while she was in class. Once I got ready and wrote the note, me and matt headed to the party. It started fairly early but we didn't mind.

Once we got in the house we immediately started taking shots and drinking. Matt pulled me over to the side and told me to follow him. We went down to the basement and it smelled like weed.

"Here" Matt said passing me a joint.

"Nahh I am fine" I said shaking my head.

"Come on dude, loosen up and have some fun. Its not gonna kill you if you just take one puff" matt said. I haven't smoked weed for a little bit over three months now. Samantha made me promise her that I wouldn't. But she won't even find out right? I took the joint and gladly smoked it. I missed it, actually a lot.

Matt and I decided to head to the backyard for some fresh air. I guess Samantha will realize that I had smoked since people kept asking me where I got it from.

"Imma grab a drink from the kitchen. You want anything?" Matt asked. "Nahh I am fine for now" I responded. With that matt left and I was heading over to a group of my friends until Garret stopped me.

"Where's Samantha at?" Garret asked.

"Get the fuck out of my way before I beat your ass Garret" I said.

"Has sammy ever told you that her and I slept together? Or are you just not that close?" Garret said with a smile. I could feel the anger boiling in me and I knew I had to leave before something bad happened. I pushed pass Garret and then heard him say" and damn she's a good one too. "

At this point, I couldn't control my anger any longer. I turned around and punched garret right in the face. He fell to the ground and I just started to repeatedly punch him. One big guy tried pulling me off but I was just to angry to stop punching him. Eventually three guys pulled me off of Garret. People rushed over to him and helped him get up. He got up and smirked at me with blood dripping all down his face. All I wanted was for Samantha to be in my arms and her to be safe.

Minutes later, my needs where satisfied. I saw Samantha run towards me. "Samantha" I said pulling her into a hug.

"I'm glad you're alright cam." She said hugging me back. We walked through the gate fence and out to the car. Samantha put me in the backseat and the she got in as well. She looked like she was about to say something but I didn't want to talk. I started to lean in to kiss her.

"Cam what are you doing? Samantha asked.

"This". Our lips gently collided but then soon began to get deeper. Samantha swung her leg over me so that she was sitting on my lap, not once breaking the kiss. After a minute of making out, I started to unbutton her blouse and she let me. I put one hand on her thigh and the other on the small of her back, gently pushing her into me.

"Cam we can't do this. We're just friends" Samantha said then she buttoned up her blouse. She got off of me and then got In the drivers seat to drive us home.

When she said "we're just friends" I got mad. What type of friends makeout with each other. I mean we're definitely not friends with benefits. Once we arrived back to the apartment complex, she helped me stand up. I refused the rest of her help only because I was still a little mad from the events in the car.

Once we got inside, Samantha just locked the door and went to her bedroom. I didn't know what to say to her so I just did the same. I plopped on my bed realizing how much I wanted more of her kisses. How badly I wanted to hold Samantha in my arms.

I think I'm in love with my best-friend.

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