I'm Sorry (remake for a project)

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I'm sorry for being a useless child
All those things, I silently cried
For not being good at my studies
Being lazy at home chores

I sometimes feel pressured
By your high expectations
Always complaining about my actions
It makes me feel stressed

Your insults are getting way too much
I sometimes feel your love,but mostly your insults
"You're nothing but ugly, you do this and then"
Your mouth never gets tired of saying those words

Does my own family know what I'm feeling?
Do they know I'm slowly dying?
I never let anyone know
I maybe happy, but I hve my own story

So I made this for a project in English, I was suppose to use To. Mr Nobody but then we had a theme, so I remade this one
One more thing, this is the second to the last chapter before I finish this book and continue making a novel in my drafts

Hope you enjoy!

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