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"For the love of God, please don't admit me," I groaned and kept my arms tight around my waist as I balled up in the seat of his black Volvo. 

"I'm not doing that," he stated but kept his eyes trained on the road. His seatbelt warning light continued to ring because he refused to put the belt on. 

"You gonna shut that alarm up?" I questioned, if I was going to be kidnapped why should I go silently?

He buckled the seatbelt behind him with one hand and did not swerve at all, there was no error to his movements. 

"So where are we going?" I questioned and rested my chin on my knees. 

"Somewhere away from the general public."

My heart started to beat faster and I felt like I couldn't breathe, just like that, it only took one comment to make me think that I was genuinely going to lose my life. He looked at me and quickly pulled off to the side of the road. "No, not like that. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Then what the hell are you going to do?" I bit my lip to keep myself from physically freaking out, "And how did you know that's what I was thinking, anyway?"

He cut the engine but kept the car running on the battery. "You're right."

"About what?"

"I... I don't know. I don't want you living like you think you're insane, that's not fair to you." 

I shifted in my seat and rubbed my face with my hands, "What the hell are you talking about, Cullen?" 

He tried to face me but his mannerisms were still so stiff. "You were right, in the diner, you were right."

I racked my brain, why couldn't he just spit it out? Why did I have to play a guessing game? I thought about our conversation but it was difficult to think when I was stressed. I stopped rubbing my face and picked out a phrase before laughing, "Vampire? Shut the fuck up dude. Either this is some sick joke or you're just trying to make me feel better. It's not gonna work dude, just stop."

He sighed, looked around, and then got out of the car. He was by my door in an instant, I stared at him, still not believing my own eyes. He opened my door, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the car. 

"So this is where you kill me," I smirked as he led me into the woods. 

"No, this is where I prove my case," he picked me up and slung me onto his back as if he were giving me a piggyback ride. 

"Just because you did that effortlessly doesn't mean anything," I rolled my eyes and tried to get down but he held me tight against his back. 

He started running. Not like a track sprinter, not like a cross country runner, like a bullet train. "Woah, woah, woah," I screamed and he stopped. "Okay, I believe you, but don't you dare do that shit again." 

Of course, it wouldn't take me long to believe him after he sped off like that. What was I going to do? Argue with the fact that he had special abilities? I saw dead people, I had no room to judge what was real and what wasn't. 

"So those people around you, they're real? You really killed them?" I didn't back away, but my face was scrunched together. 

He looked at me and then looked down at the ground, "Unfortunately."

Voices |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now