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I was put on Wellbutrin after my brother passed away. Between my preexisting mental health conditions, seeing dead people, and the trauma of seeing my brother with his throat slit- it was a necessary adjustment. After the first few days, I noticed a spike in my energy. From what I had read, the medication did a couple of things: increased your sex drive, gave you energy spikes, made you drop weight, and made you happy. My nurse practitioner didn't want to put me on Prozac because of my allergy to another drug in that class, it made sense. I was grateful that I was on anything, honestly. My earbuds were helping blast upbeat music in my ears as I sort of bounced to class, I almost literally had pep in my step. I plopped down next to Edward and noticed he looked awful. 

My earbud came out of the ear closest to him, "Hey, what's wrong?" We had talked since I blew up at him after seeing Jason and made up our friendship.

"Bella's pregnant," he seemed extremely bummed out. 

"Ah, shit. Yours?" I raised my brow, I didn't know it was possible.

He shook his head, "Not possible, Jacob Black's."

My lips formed a tight line, I definitely saw him at her house a lot. "I'm sorry, man. That's so shitty."

He shrugged, "She's a human, it wouldn't have worked anyway."

I tried to hide the little pang that I felt in my core, of course I still had feelings for him even after he was a total dick for a few weeks. My homework peeked out from under the cover of my spiral-bound notebook which seemed to catch his attention. He put mine beside his and compared the two, changing my small mistakes so that I would get a better grade. 

"Wanna go do something after class?" I asked, he needed to get away from the situation even if it meant driving an hour out to Port Angelos. 

Again, he shrugged. "What do you want to do?" 

I thought for a moment before landing on an idea that might benefit the both of us, "There's this shop in Port Angelos. It's got like a shit ton of records and books. We could hit that up and then walk around and see if anything else catches our eyes." 

He smiled just a tiny bit, "That sounds like a good plan."

He loved music and I loved reading, why not do something that worked for us both? Mr Banner started speaking at the front of the classroom and cut off our conversation, one that would simply be picked back up after the lecture. I listened as much as I could before a spirit popped up. This one was particularly gruelling, but it wasn't targeting Edward. We were already damn near pressed together, but I grabbed his forearm to ground me and stared at the spirit out of the corner of my eye. 

Now that I knew I could pull spirits into the physical plane for everyone to see, I had to be extremely careful not to touch one in public. I don't know what's worse, everyone thinking you're insane or everyone knowing you have somewhat of a power. Edward placed his free hand on top of mine and rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. My heart was beating slightly faster as the thing inched toward me. It floated around one new kid in class, a blonde football player who's name I didn't know. Just before the spirit could touch my shoulder, it disappeared into thin air. 

I relaxed and sighed a little too loudly, letting my arms fall down by my sides. Mr Banner stopped talking and made eye contact with me. "Am I boring you, Miss O'Connor?"

I wanted to say get the fuck over yourself, however, I settled with shaking my head and sitting up straight, turning my attention to the lecture once more. 

Voices |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now