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I was sitting in my living room, alone because my mother was at work, watching Child's Play. The older horror movies didn't really scare me at all. I supposed none of them did, after seeing a bunch of dead people roaming around it was hard to get scared of anything. Hollywood really dramatized the hell out of ghosts, it was hard to watch those kinds of movies anymore. Yes, some ghosts would try to run at you and break things, but in my experience, that was only for attention.  Child's Play made me laugh, it was so ridiculous when a large plastic doll would lunge at the mother. 

My phone buzzed and captured my attention. It was a text message from Emmett asking if I was doing anything. I replied, No. He was quick to respond, Do you want to come hang out while we play baseball? It seemed intriguing, and it was better than sitting around and doing nothing. My fingers moved quickly across the keys that had been worn away by use, Sure, where do I meet you? After a moment, he answered, We'll come to you. All I had to do was change. I looked like a mess in my pyjama pants and ratty gym t-shirt. My feet quickly carried me up the steps and my drawers flew open as I realized I probably only had five minutes to get ready before they were here. 

My plaid pants came off and remained in a pile on the floor, jeans took their place on my body. The same went for the gym shirt, but a band tee took its place. The band was one that my father really enjoyed when I was a younger child. I listened to them a lot when I missed him. That made me think of burning a CD with songs that my dad and my brother enjoyed so that I could listen to it in the car. As I pulled out my laptop from under a pile of books, my doorbell rang. Socks went on my feet before I raced down the stairs and landed in front of the closet in the entryway. The shoes of choice for that day were my fucked up, white vans. Well, they were white when I bought them. They turned into a beige after about a week. 

I opened the door to reveal Emmett's cheeky smile and then grabbed a hair tie, my wallet, and my keys before continuing on to the Jeep ever so gracefully parked on my front lawn. I noticed Edward sitting in the passenger seat and wondered for a moment why he wasn't the one to message me. It wasn't a big deal, we were all good friends. I grabbed the oh-shit handle to help lift myself into the vehicle and then plopped down and crossed my legs.

"How are you doing today, Jules?" Edward turned to ask me. 

I shrugged, "It was a pretty boring day before you guys texted me. Just movies and vegging out on the couch."

"What movies?" He questioned as the car started to move. 

"Nightmare on Elm Street and Child's Play."

"Ah, you like horror movies?" Emmett chimed in. 

I nodded, "They're not really scary, especially the ones from the '80s and '90s."

"Which one is your favourite?" He asked. 

"Jeepers Creepers," I didn't even have to think about it. 

"Nice, that's a good one," he agreed. 

"What about you, what do you guys like to watch?" I kept the conversation going as we started to drive off the road, a nice perk that came with the Jeep was the all-terrain capability. 

"Action and horror," Emmett responded. 

"Romance and comedy," Edward was much quieter. 

"Ah, you're on your own there," I giggled, "I can't stand romantic movies. So boring, so predictable. Also, most of them are based on classic literature and at that point you should just read the books," I shrugged and uncrossed my legs as we parked close to the rest of the Cullens. 

Edward helped me out of the vehicle and we all walked up to them. Esme reached out first and hugged me. 

"I'm glad you could join us," she smiled, "we need an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett smirked. 

"Oh, I know you cheat," she laughed, "call them as you see them, love."

Voices |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now