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Here will be the how we found the guild, and why we support it!

(Anyone can ask to have a testimonial added for them)

L_L_H_: I found the Roleplay Guild when it was suggested to me by @JMJ4ever, who received word from @rookiesfangirl about it, while we were wondering how we could continue communicating and improving as our whole group. I choose to support it because I love roleplaying with my friends here, improving my characters, and supporting something that is such a huge part of the Wattpad community!

ChaosC: I came to wattpad to better myself as a writer, and to share with others a passion for learning. When I came up with an idea to open a chatroom for characters I met numerous people that I am now proud to call friends and I have learned so much about character flaws, personality, and unity of man in these chats. Every chat i participated in, we would all try our best to welcome and update every person involoved whether they were a veteran or a newcomer. And while some got swept away in the struggle, they would return when things quieted down to get to know the vets one on one. I loved/ still love these chats, and while the system can be flawed, everything is. I just hope the peoples enjoyment does not have to suffer for it.

DaAwesomeMee: For the past year and a half, I have been trying to find a website with a neat, user-friendly roleplay forum. When I discovered Wattpad's clubs, I immediately loved the format and thought it would be perfect for roleplay... if it were allowed in the clubs. Since then, it has always stuck in the back of my mind that it would be cool if there were a club devoted to roleplay, and several times I considered suggesting it, but I thought that it would have been pushing things a bit since Wattpad already had roleplays on profiles. However, I never thought that was nearly as efficient as roleplaying in clubs would have been. So when the opportunity to petition for it arose, I immediately stepped up and said that I wanted this to happen. So I'm hoping this would make at least some ounce of a difference.

Lover_LoverGirl: I found Wattpad in the midst of being a very lost writer. I had(and still have) issues with character building and all that jazz. When I found the 'Chat as your character' chat, I was so happy, because that meant that my character would have more depth, flaws, and be more human/inhumane. I want this club, and I'm serious. I think this will most definitely improve writers everywhere, while building a stronger community. I have also found many friends here!

JMJ4ever: I.Love.Roleplay. Simple as that. And here on Wattpad the forums are a perfect format for just that. I've made a bunch of great friends in the IYW RP Chats, and definately improved my characters by chatting as them. Roleplay is a very fun social activity, and frankly a RP club would be EXTREMELY popular! I am totally devoted to this petition, and hope that whoever reads this agrees with us.

beautiful_nonsense: I was bored af and went on the IYW club, and saw a roleplay thread. I have just started roleplaying a few days ago, but I feel like I have been roleplaying for years. When I saw that they closed tyhe thread I wanted to buRN THE PERSON WHO DID IT. So, of course, with these fabulous people, I'm gonna kick Wattpad's butt. So, It would be like a dream come trUEEEE if there was a special Roleplaying club! This petition is so fetch. Wattpad, prepare for trouble and make it double!

LavaboltStar: I joined wattpad because i have a passion for writing and love forming my ideas into stories, as well as listening to people's opinions. And i also came to read others stories since i cherish reading, and there are tons of good stories here. I also think this club would be VERY awesome and fun :D i love roleplaying, because you can be whoever you want to be and have fun rping with others, and we often make friends. (lol sorry if im rambling...) I hope this club will be created very soon! :)

rookiefangirl: I joined wattpad in April 2014 with very little experience with self publishing online, and let alone any friends within an intimidating website. In joining the clubs, I not only made friends, but got involved in a community unlike any other. When I came together with this community of Roleplaying, I learned a great deal about my characters from situations I could not control. We understand the concern of exclusion of others, but it has gotten rid of an opportunity like no other to improve characterization, as well as disbanded a community that would not have come together otherwise. If by any chance we could make a deal that if anyone excludes or breaks the rules then it can be deleted without argument, that would be much appreciated. Thank you

_TwistedAngel_: One of my favorite part of reading and writing is that I feel as though I'm one of the characters immersed into a fantasy world. But when I discovered Roleplaying I realized I could do that but even better! I could be someone besides myself and take place somewhere cool I could never go in real life or be someone I never could be myself. It was kind of like my escape, but when they took away this it took away my place to go to after a rough day in real life. Help bring it back!

sky_is_limit: Roleplaying is honestly a great way to build your character and learn more about him/her. I always loved going to clubs and joining discussions like 'Answer in your character' POV'. It's not just the fact that you're meeting new people, but it's like you're also connecting with your character. Everybody knows how hard it is to buld a character and give it that special personality. Roleplaying helped BIG TIME. I'm hoping to have a roleplaying club soon added, because it's much need.

MadaleinePonthieux: I joined Wattpad because I have always wanted to be a writer and have people read my work. I think that's important for people to be able to share their creations with the world. Having a Roleplay club is an amazing way to build your character. Like @sky_is_limit said, it is hard to build a your own character. This could help people big time. BRING ON THE ROLEPLAYING PEOPLE!! *war screaming* XD

KJLore: Let's see, Wattpad. Two months ago I joined wattpad to improve my writing, and meet other people who liked to write too. I started out like all wattpaders do, alone, in a world filled with words and amazingness. I found myself in the clubs, and then I found a roleplay thread. I threw a character in from a story I cared about, the second I did. I noticed the potential that my story could have when I realized different situations and how my cocky, arrogant, and yet hurting character reacted to them. It sparked a new realm of creativity for me. When I found these wonderful people who loved Roleplay just as much as I did I knew wattpad needed this! When the threads started being closed, I literally stared at the screen for a while, repeating 'woe is me' in my head. Wattpad, people love Roleplay, if there were a club where we could have roleplay without the disadvantages of roleplay within books it would be amazeballs (I never say amazeballs). Private Message Rolepaly is great, don't get me wrong, but you see, you can only do that with one other person, when there's a group, there's more opportunites! Roleplay Club, you have my undying support.

FlaxFlame: I only discovered the clubs on Wattpad a few months ago (June 2014) but what attracted me the most was the role playing threads. I loved the idea of actually describing and interacting your character with other peoples'. These threads helped me to get inside my characters' heads, to actually understand them.

ArtisticWisdom: I came to Wattpad on accident, I have always loved Divergent, so I started reading some fanfics. So, after about a month, I decided to create an account because I've always LOVED reading, and writing. I took up writing as a hobby, doing it in my free time...
Now I get better at writing because when I look at other people's books, I take inspiration. Now, to Roleplay can be very good for writing, because from what I think, if you Roleplay correctly (3rd view) your reply can be more detailed and that can be out into a story, just from roleplaying!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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