Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Tension and Confession, Unite


"Adam, I thought you're gonna work secretly?" Travis recapped Officer Adam Shay. He, Officer Shay, and his best friend, Ismail haven't hopped out of the police vehicle yet even though they have parked beside the police station. Officer Adam Shay brought them there for questioning. Travis was bothered, nervous, yet apprehensive at the same time.

            "I never told you kids I'll be working secretly," Officer Shay responded. "Where did you get that idea?"

Travis leaned back on the back rest.

"Did you even follow any of my suggestions? Days have passed and I haven't had any updates about the threatening messages. Then, little did we know, there's a new killing and this time, two in one night!"

Both Travis and Ismail were left speechless.

"What? Don't you have anything to tell me?" Officer Shay asked.

Travis exchanged looks with Ismail.

"He got a text a while ago," Ismail pointed at Travis.

Travis eyed Ismail.

"You got a text? And you never texted me," Officer Shay said.

"I feel bad that I got you in to this. I mean, what if something happens to you?" Travis showed his concern.

"In case you haven't noticed, you shouldn't be worrying about me. Worry about yourself," Officer Shay answered. "Now get to the interrogation room. Your friends are waiting for you."

"Richard and Louis are here?" Travis asked.

"Just get inside," Officer Shay popped the lock from the passenger seat.

"Where were you four when the murder occurred?" Detective Burroughs established the first question to the boys. They were alone with Burroughs inside the interrogation room.

"All of us were at the party," Travis answered. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, but he wasn't really looking at himself. He knew that Officer Adam Shay was watching through that two-way mirror and was listening as well. He felt uneasy going inside the sparsely furnished interrogation room even though he had been here for questioning before. "We didn't know anything had occurred because Emman Campbell was on the phone with me."

"I just asked where you were," Detective Burroughs said.

"I know," Travis replied. "And you don't have to ask me about it because we're gonna get there."

Burroughs snorted.

"Detective Burroughs," Ismail called. "May I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Are we here because we're witnesses, victims, or suspects?" Ismail asked.

Travis glanced at him, confused.

"Good question, though," Detective Burroughs replied. "It's between witnesses and victims. I don't need to elaborate that because I assumed that you already knew. Did that suffice your question, Mr. Ambani?"

"What's the goal of this interview, Detective?" Richard interrupted without letting Ismail answer.

"That's another good question," Detective Burroughs asked. "But I believe that you were brought here to be questioned and not to question."

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