Charlie Winters is your average teenage girl with a video game and skateboarding addiction until she's not.
She how Charlie deals with her new life as Chise Kogane in the BNHA world!
Video by xx7sweetnightmarexx artist Laura Shigihara, song name Everything is Alright
*the next day* After breakfast Koneko and I ask Miki-chan to take us to the nearby park so we can play on the equipment before we go to the doctors. She goes to ask Hiro-Sama and to see if any of the other kids want to go as well. Miki-Chan comes back with two other kids and another matron, saying we can head to the park.
As we are walking to the park Koneko and I get everyone to sing songs with us. After about 15 minutes we finally make it to the park Koneko runs straight for a green haired boy who is being surrounded by four other kids. I run after her, wanting to help the boy. As we run towards the kids, I suddenly seem to lift off the ground and actually pass Koneko, stopping in front of the green haired boy.
I spread my arms and a pair of beautiful angel wings unfold to block the blonde haired boy in front of me. I still haven't noticed my wings, and start telling the blonde off for bullying another kid, while he seems to look at me in awe. Koneko finally catches up and immediately tackles me into a hug and starts mumbling into my neck.
The angry pomeranian decides to leave while I pry Koneko off my neck and turn to help the green haired boy up. "Hi I'm Kogane, Chise and this is Tistar, Koneko. Are you okay?Do we need to take you over to matron Yuki?" He looks over my shoulder while grabbing my hand he shakes his head no then says " Uhhh, hi. I'm Midoriya, Izuku. You have really pretty wings. Is that your quirk?" I look at Izuku confused and then look behind me to see a pair of angel wings.
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I look at Koneko and then at Izuku and then at my wings again. "Koneko..... am I seeing things?" She shakes her head and then grabs our hands and drags us over to Matron Yuki. Yuki-san asks what happened and who we brought over. " This is Izuku, he was being picked on so we went to help him and I grew wings!!" Yuki-san bends over and heals a scrap on Izuku's knee. "Izuku, come here baby it's time to go home!" He thanks Yuki-San then explains that it was his mom calling him.
He runs off towards a nice looking lady with shoulder length green hair. Yuki-san turns to us and says "I told you, you are an angel Chise. You Two have about two hours to play before Hiro-sama will be here to take you to go get your quirks tested." I giggled and meowed lightly at her before we ran off to play with the other kids, while running towards them I hear Matron Yuki jokingly yell back. "Oh don't give me that little angel you know we all called it!"
***~~~time skip due to a cinnamon bun SmallMight Izuku ~~~***
We run up to Hiro-sama ready to go see the doctor and learn more about our quirk. "Oh my Chise!! You have such cute little wings!It looks like we will have to modify your clothes as well. I was expecting your quirk to be something like this. I think we all have been waiting for you to sprout angel wings though!" Hiro-sama says smiling down at us.
I giggle and fly up to her height while Koneko jumps lightly on her back. She giggles with us as we jump/float back to the ground. "Well you two definitely can work together can't you? I think you two could make an amazing hero duo!" We smile brightly at her encouraging words and then drag Hiro-sama out of the park, eager to learn more about ourselves.