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My alarm rang loudly, groaning I slammed my hand down on the button rolling over to continue sleeping.

The alarm went off again, I let out a low whine glance at the clock reading 9:30 “fuck I’m gonna be late!” jumping out of bed.

I rushed around pulling on clothes and heels, grabbing my phone I raised a brow.

1 missed call

1 new message

Opening the message it read:

Sorry about the inconvenience but your shift was switched out with melissa, take this day off

From, Matt.

Falling to the floor I groaned, I felt like crying as I crawled back to my bed.

‘maybe I should sleep a bit longer’

I laid there wide awake and wondering how I should spend my day doing a smile creeped on my lips.

‘todays gonna be little day.’

          ~      ~        ~        ~        ~       ~

‘First I had to do a bit of shopping’ walking into the store, my mind racing between things that I needed and wanted.
I stalked down the frozen food section seeing the nuggets now the real question...dino nuggets or not? I tapped my chin, biting my lip deep in thought. Grabbing the bag of dino nuggets I carried them, as i picked up some fries and possibly a box of ice cream.

Walking down a few more sections, and my arms were pretty full of snacks and drinks I sighed my arms getting tired ‘I should have gotten a basket’ 

“Do you need help”

I looked up seeing the same worker from yesterday “moh, yes please” she gave me a small smile grabbing some of the snacks from my hands

“Now let's go grab you a basket” she said with a chuckle, dumping all my things in a basket she strolled it over to me I gave her a soft smile 

“I saw you yesterday” she nodded smile still plastered on her face I continued “I’m sorry, that was a bit embarrassing” she giggled waving me off “it's alright, no worries you definitely made it more entertaining” I felt my cheeks heat up, she ran a hand through her platinum blonde hair, her brown eyes trained on me as she raised a brow.

“I could help you shop, if you don't mind” I shifted my eyes around nervously “I-i don't wanna be a bother” she shrugged “not at all.”

As we walked down another aisle I caught sight of a bag of my strawberry milk, excusing myself i grabbed a pack of two. 

The blonde haired girl laughed at me “you must really like that strawberry milk” I blushed hiding my face in my hands, I looked up at her “It's one of my favorite kinds..” 

She nodded her head giving a small shrug “its ok, I think its cute”  I grabbed the basket continuing to walk as i tried to calm my racing heart.

           ~          ~            ~             ~

Walking over to check out, she grabbed my basket offering to help, I nodded stacking things on the moving belt as she scanned them. I watched her, catching her eye from time to time I gave a timid smile “So you got a name” I nodded nervously “I-its May” she hummed in approval, “a very pretty name for a very pretty girl” my cheeks began to burn “uh, thank you miss-” our eyes met and she shot me a huge grin “Payton” I giggled a bit

“Thank you, payton” 

“Not a problem, sweetheart”

I avoid eye contact as I placed the bag in the cart, pushing the cart I turned giving her a wave and a smile waving back she shot me a wink before I rushed my way out of the front doors my cheeks hurting from smiling too much and my face still a lingering red, I rushed myself home.

       ~        ~         ~          ~          ~         ~

After putting all the bags away and popping some nuggies in the oven, I changed into my blue tutu and a whte shirt that spelled ‘princess’ in bold letters. I grabbed my favorite stuffie as I sat in the living room flipping through channels, I bit my lip as I thought back to Payton. She was a very pretty lady, deep brown eyes, platinum blonde hair and a slim figure and small plump lips.

I furrowed my brown ‘was she younger than me? She seemed  to be’ I stood up walking to the kitchen I checked on my nuggets, with a sigh I closed the oven softly and continued with my  thoughts.

‘22 years old and still eating dino nuggets’ I chuckled at myself, i waltz around the kitchen grabbing a strawberry milk to clear away the bad thoughts. Payton seemed like a nice person and I was interested in learning more, but how would i make that happen?

The oven went off along with the fire alarm as I rushed around the kitchen taking out the nuggets and opening windows, I let out a sigh sitting in the front room, I sipped on my milk .

‘A nap sounds good right about now’

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