"damm, that punch you pulled back there was bad-ass" Ashlee smiled. I looked over at the crowd of people. The group had condensed. Luke was walking over to me and I was still red with anger and embarassment. He pushed pass Ashlee to hug me but I stayed stiff. He hugged me tighter and I melted under his touch.
Why did he make me feel this way?why did I have to let him in? "Luke,stop" I tried to push against his stomach, but once again fell weak from the feeling of his abs. A tear fell down my cheek. "Why are you crying, pussy" Jai laughed behind Luke. "Shut up!" I pulled away from Luke and punched Jai's arm. "Hey guys, hows everything going?" I heard a high pitched voice squeak behind me. I turned around to face Michelle. Damn was there no end to her terror?
Luke was silent. "Yeah, everythimgs great, just Luke and I-" "Um you and Luke don't sound to well in a sentence" She striked like a cobra from behind a huge rock. I lifted an eyebrow. "excuse me?who the fuc-" Jai cut me off and tightened his grip on my shoulder. "Maybe we should go to gym class" Jai clenched his teeth. "But I have english next" I spoke. "its being held in the gym today" Jai pulled me away towards the gym.
We got in the building and Jai let the door slam behind us. "what the fuck? English isnt being held in here" I angrily yelled. "duh!I know it isnt but I needed to get you away from them before you chewed her head off" Jai's vein popped out in his neck. I stood back. I rolled my eyes and walked out, and walked to english.
*After school*
"Hey ash, wanna go get pizza?" I yelled. "Yes that is literally all I need." Ashlee, spoke, giggling a bit. I lifted my eyebrow. We walked across the football field, im the back of the school. Jai ran up to us. "hey baby, where ya going?" I had to do a double take. Umm...why were they dating again?so fast?whatever. Jai called Luke who was holding hands with a girl, who's face I could not see. I tried not to let my feelimgs cloud up my vision. Luke approached us amd the girl whom he was holding hands with, the great Michelle. I smiled, taking every second in. "so where are we going, losers?" Michelle laughed. My face was hot and I felt like I was going to be sick.
"pizzaaaa!" Jai yelled, throwing his amd Ashlee's hands up. It got quiet for a second. "Hey guys, I dont think i should go, I think I might be coming down with something." I weakly smiled. "no, are you sure? because we can stay with you" Ashlee rubbed my arm. "no you guys go have fun, save me a slice" I smiled amd turned away, a hot tear escaping my eye.
I arrived at my doorstep, all my tears gone. Why did I feel like this?I shouldnt care about him. My thoughts are way too much. I need to escape from this haze. A swim might be nice. I decided. I ran up to my room and quickly put on my navy blue bikini. I got a towel and then ran and jumped into my cold pool. I screamed loudly then started shivering. "Nice idea huh?" A deep voice spoke from around the corner of my house.