After class i was ready to kill Ashlee. All throughout the period she kept talking to Aaron about me and how we were gonna get along perfectly or something like that. I passed by Luke on the way out of class. "Hey can I ask you something?" Luke smiled. "yeah?" I stopped. "ummm... Jai needs help on a project" Luke nervously spit out.
"ok?just have him text me" I smiled and walked away. Aaron walked next to me. "is that your u-um boyfriend?" I cheekily smiled. "no" was my response. "good" Aaron chuckled. "Hey-hey-hey" Ashlee ran up behind me and pushed me. "ow!" I pushed her away from me. "so where were ya'll off to?" She walked in between me and Aaron. "Math" We both spoke. "hey you have the same classes?" I asked. We walked away from Ashlee, talking about our classes, as it turns out, we have every class together.
Aaron and I sat in our seats and talked for a while. His eyes had really nice colors in them. Different shades of green and blue. Ashlee texted me, she had Avid.
"hey hows it goin;)?"
"fine why?"
"ya'll flirtin yet?"
"no, leave me alone damn"Ms. Strojek towered over me. "Hailey, phone, now"
Shit. If she ever catches anyone texting in her class, she reads the texts aloud. She extended her hand. I handed her my phone and cringed. "does anyone know a miss Ashlee?" Everyone yelled "yup!" Ashlee was a bit popular in our grade. "Lets see, Ashlee said: hey hows it going with a winking emoticon" Ms. strojek grinned. "fine why?" was Hailey's response. I closed my eyes. "are ya'll flirtin yet? Ashlee responded." She gave me a stern look. I could feel Aaron staring at me. I didn't have the courage to look him in the eye. He knew it was him we were talking about. "Well atleast thank you for telling her to leave you alone, for that you don't have detention, but I will take your phone away until after school, when you can explain to me why you were texting in my class." Ms. Strojek spoke with a stern tone. I nodded and covered my face as soon as she turned away.
"ooh!Hailey has a crush!" My friend Justin whispered. "shut up!" I could feel my face turn red. "turn to oage 139 in your workbooks and do problems 5 through 15" Everyone in the class groaned. I opened my book and started working. A note flew onto my paper. I looked at Aaron who smiled. I opened the note. "its ok if that text was about me, don't feel nervous or embarassed." I smiled and looked at him. "thank you" I mouthed. Aaron winked at me.
Jai happened to be in my math class as well and also happened to sit right next to me. I kept hearing Jai say something about Ashlee to his friends so I asked him about it. "hey, back off its not my fault all Ashlee wants to do is fuck my brains out" Jai shook hands with his friends. "excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow. Jai chucked. "asshole!" I yelled at Jai. Aaron touched my arm. "woah calm down" Ms Strojek looked at me and then walked over to me with a detention slip. "after school" was all she said.
Fuck. I hated Jai.