Chapter 7

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"No, no, no."

"Wha-..." Johnny stutters. "Has she collapsed? Is it my fault?"

"I'll, um, I'll call an ambulance." Kate pipes up, getting her phone out of her pocket.

"No..." a quiet, weak voice is heard.

"Car? Oh, baby. Are you okay?" Peter asks, tears falling down his cheeks rapidly.


"Is she awake?" Kate asks, and Peter nods. "Shall I call the ambulance?"


"No." Carla murmurs. "I don't need them."

"I beg to differ. Carla, you've fainted. You're laying on the dirty concrete and you're white as a sheet." Peter says.

"I'm fine." She sits up, slowly. A group of people now surrounding her.

"You're going through really tough treatment right now. I think you need a doctor." Johnny sighs.

"Good thing I don't care what you think then, isn't it?" She mumbles.

"Carla..." Peter worries.

"Look, I just fainted. It happens! I don't need to be in hospital, I've been in that place nearly every day for weeks now so they'll just tell me the same thing if I go in now. Please, baby. I just want to go back home." She explains, quietly.

"Okay then. But if you're lightheaded again then make sure to tell me. You know how much I worry about you." Peter holds Carla's hands, pulling her up and securing his hand around her waste.

"I promise." She smiles, weakly.

"On that note, we're going." Peter smiles at Johnny and Kate before turning round and guiding Carla away from the terrible scene. "Come on, slow steps."

"I don't want you to move from that sofa, d'ya hear me? You nearly gave me a heart attack earlier." He points at her playfully once she was settled on the sofa.

"That can't happen again. You were so lifeless, Carla, I really though for a second...nevermind." He rambles on. "Actually, maybe we should take you to the hospital? Or perhaps I could ask Ali to come over after his shift?"


"Did you think you were about to collapse? Were you dizzy the whole time or did it just come on all of a sudden? Did Johnny make you feel more ill?"

"Peter!" She says louder. "Be quiet...just for 5 minutes, please."

"I'm being dramatic again, aren't I?" He looks down, adorablely.

"You are, indeed. Couldn't even get a word in." She giggles.

"Ugh, I'm sorry." He walks over and couches down next to her. "Do you want me to leave you alone for a bit?"

"Why would I want you to do that? We've still got that film to watch."

"Of course, yes. Feels like a lifetime ago that we put it on." He laughs, sitting down.

"Well you've had enough thoughts this past minute to last a lifetime, darling."

"I know I'm overprotective...but I have good intentions." He says. "As does Johnny."

"Kill a moment why don't ya."

"I know what he said earlier was terrible, if you can remember it that is-..."

"Of course I do. I don't have amnesia or anything."

"He didn't mean it maliciously. Words just fail him."

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