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That moment when your own parents are purposely trying to lower your self-esteem.


You guys know what the Bleep Test is?

If so, read on. If you don't, look it up then come back because I ain't helping you.

Okayyyyyy, so I got a pretty bad score on it. A Level D. The lowest is Level E and I just made it to Level D, scoring a 4.4, which is the worst score EVAH.

After everyone was finished, the teacher called all the girls in our grade and said "If you didn't make Level C or didn't get the score you thought you'd get, then please come to one of us so that we can discuss what you want to do to improve yourself."

Translated by every girl (it was an all girls test. Boys do it 3 days later) who got less than a Level C:

"You fucking suck."

Oh, THANK you so much Ms. Whatever for lowering my self-esteem. Next time I surely won't want to ask you for help for anything ever again.

Sorry for the rant. Just wanted to clear some shit out of my head.

So, what's the worst thing a teacher has done to YOU???

Also, I'm not gonna update for the rest of the day (it's 3:50 *ish* here in Hong Kong) until my shoulder and legs recover.


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