Chapter 8

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Athena walked through the empty hallway, her footsteps echoing through the silence of her home as the bright sunlight cascaded down of the big windows of the mansion.

No matter how many times Athena has walked through these hallways, no matter how many times Athena has told herself that this is her home, a single emotion and a single thought knocks everything down like toy bricks.

When her brothers were still not her personal bodyguards, she would always think that it's too lonely to live in a home where it's too big and too empty, and then she suddenly felt it. She felt the empty void in her heart and no matter what she does, it won't go away. It's a painless torture.

She felt loneliness.

Her parents weren't always there for her and they would always hire someone to protect her, to take care of her and keep her company but it's not good enough to bury her loneliness.

The ones her parents would hire would always be too distant. They'll always keep the master-servant relationship and sometimes it was suffocating to live in a huge home where there's only four corners to roam around.

But then, they came around.

Her bodyguards.

Her brothers.

And they were different. They tried to reach out to her even if she placed a barrier between them.

She's happy.

Athena's glad that they broke her barrier and she's glad that she made the right choice to give them a chance. A chance to let them show her that they're not going to leave her like the others.

Athena smiled happily. She then picked up her pace until she reached the flight of stairs.

Though, she stopped.

Her smile turned into a frown. Her eyes swarmed with confusion as she stared at Charles.

Charles was sitting at the very first step of the stairs, he was looking down, his hands were clamped tightly together and his expression looked like he was troubled.

Athena slowly walked towards him and she sat down beside him.

Charles looked at her in surprise and Athena could see how he forced his smile.

"Hey, pumpkin." He greeted, his voice hoarse and his eyes were red.

Athena returned his smile. "Hi, Charlie."

"W-What're you doing here?"

Athena shrugged. "I'm here for you."

It's true.

She always hate seeing the pain and sadness in her brothers' eyes. They're always there to save her, they're always there to keep her safe and loved and the least that she could do is to save them from their own mistakes, from their fights and from their inner demons.

That's a promise she'll be keeping for as long as it takes.

Charles sniffled and laughed quietly. "Look at you, being all mature and all."

Athena pouted. "Not my fault. It's mama and papa's fault."

Charles nodded. "They really shaped you into a girl who talks like an adult."

'Well they had to' was what Athena would want to say but she bit her tongue to keep that from spilling.

It's the sad reality though. For a seven year old, Athena was forced to grow up too early but it's not like she didn't want that. She's still a child, a kid who wants to play outside with her dolls and likes to story time before going to bed. The only difference was that she's slightly mature than most kids her age.

She scoot closer to Charles until she could lean her head on his arm. Charles let out a breath and wrapped his arm around the little girl.

"What's the problem, Charlie?" She asked. "Why're you crying?"


"Who else would it be?"

Charles glared at her and Athena laughed and apologized.

"Why're you crying?" Athena asked.

"It's stupid." He answered.

Athena hummed in understanding.

"Well, it's okay if it's stupid, right?" Athena said with a smile, her tone was calm. Something that her mother would use when she's explaining something. "As my papa would always say if he were here, nothing is stupid because everything has its own explanation and everything has its own reasons."

"You know... " Charles said distantly. "Your parents are really wise and has shaped you into someone who's going to surpass them someday."

"You think so?" Athena piped.

Charles nodded. "Yeah... "

Silence settled down between them. The only sound that was heard through the silence was Athena's quiet random humming. For Charles, it was soothing and comforting.

After a while Charles spoke. "It's about the fight last time. My girlfriend and all that?"

Athena stayed silent, listening as Charles picked up his breathing, his hands clenched tightly once again as he glared at nothing.

"I jumped into a conclusion that Zen was dating her behind my back and I even fought him here where you were just right upstairs at that time." He explained. "I didn't even watch my mouth when I talked back to Zen, I wasn't even embarrassed when Xavier and Owen looked at me like I was obsessed with some girl who's been cheating on me all this time."

"You're guilty?" Athena asked, knowing well that he answer would be...

"Yes!" Charles huffed. "Of course I'll be guilty... I didn't trust Zen and I went bananas in front of you..."

"'S okay, Harry Potter." Athena said, using his nickname that Athena picked because of his round glasses.

He glared at her, upset.

Athena only smiled at him and patted his back. "You don't have to be guilty about anything because they have forgiven you already, me included."


"Still nothing, okay?" Athena hushed him. "We're family!"

The young man's eyes started to sting as he stared at this young little girl who was once afraid of being alone.

Charles stayed silent as Athena beamed at him. "My family and my brothers! It's in the rules. If we have a fight or have any sorts of arguments, we'll talk it out and no matter what, we'll forgive each other!"

Charles gave her a confused look. "Since when was that in the rules?"

Athena gave him a 'duh' look. "Since now, Charlie."

Charles chuckled. "I like it."

"You should, Harry."

Charles groaned. "Will you stop calling me Harry?"


"I'm better than him, Athena. I'm not Harry, I'm Charlie!" He said childishly and Athena couldn't help but roll her eyes at how their names rhymed.

She bet that he did that on purpose.

"Okay." Athena nodded. "So please don't cry anymore. I hate seeing you sad."

Charles smiled. "I will, now that you're beside me."

"Silly Charlie!" Athena giggled as if what he said was the most amusing thing that he has ever said so far in his entire life. "Silly, silly little Charlie! I'll always be with you!"


'S Charlie's! Hooray!!!

So Charlie's the emotional one out of the four of them and I believe that I showed you guys perfectly well about that...

I think.

Oh well! I hope that you guys enjoyed it!

Tell me what you think and don't forget to leave a vote, loves ♥♥

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