Athena squealed happily ang giggled when Charles swooped forward and carried her.
He nuzzled into her and kissed her forehead causing Zen to immediately protest.
"Hey, I want Athena!" Zen exclaimed with an annoyed huff.
Charles smirked at him. "Well I still have her and she enjoys my company, right, baby?"
Athena nodded and giggled.
Zen pouted and glared at Charles. "You annoying bi—"
"Now, now... " Owen said when Charles and Zen's fight was starting to escalate into something more than mocking and teasings. Still, Owen's smile was still there, staring at them like they were his world.
Which was probably true at that time.
And it's pretty true in his present.
"You don't want Xavier to catch you two fighting in front of our little princess, right?"
Athena huffed adorably. "Am not a pwincess."
Especially when she can't pronounce the letter 'R' that well. Athena was having a hard time with that and Xavier's helping her to pronounce it well.
"What do you want to be then, sweetie?" Owen tilted his head to the side in amusement and confusion.
Zen crossed his arms with a grin on his face while Charles have a big smile plastered on his goofy face as they all waited for her answer.
They thought that it would be like any other answer that a five year old kid would answer.
A fairy.
A queen.
A cowgirl.
A witch.
No, hers was different.
Like she was a different, far from ordinary kid.
"I wanna be like Wenny because he's smawt and—and then I wanna be like Xaview 'cause he's amwazing and then Chawlie 'cause he's-he's nice and Zenny 'cause he's funny! Mama and papa too 'cause I love 'em so so much." She stumbled over her words as she rambled, her eyes held nothing but focus as she rambled on, making her look more adorable.
"I wanna be like you guys!" She said with finality, ending it with a big large millionaire smile of hers.
And they would die because of Athena and her adorable cuteness.
"But I don't want you to be like us." Xavier said, popping out of nowhere, causing all of them to jump in surprise.
Athena pouted. "Why not?"
Xavier smiled ghostly at her and said. "Because I want you to be yourself."
Athena frowned, confusion settling in her expression as Xavier smiled warmly at her.
Actually, everyone was smiling warmly at her.
Xavier shrugged, a secretive smile was on his face as he walked towards her.
Towards his family.
"Because you're Athena."
You can't save everyone.
That's life.
And that's death.
You can't always save everyone.

Never Alone
Teen Fiction[[COMPLETED]] Her parents gave her the most precious people in her life. ~oOo~ Athena Eleanor Hale, seven years old, have four personal bodyguards who acts like some overprotective brothers than some strangers who just do their jobs just because th...