Chapter 44

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Athena was finally able to go home after a tiring day of dancing and acting.

She couldn't believe that Theodore turned into a man. It seems like only yesterday he was meeting up with her at the playground but now, he wasn't cute anymore. He was far from it, actually.

He was handsome beyond belief.

He was cunning and confident.

Totally different from before.

Still, he still didn't leave her side all night. It was cute. They got to talk to their friends and families, hearing nothing but weddings and dresses.

It was mentally tiring.

Now that she's home, she could finally sleep.
Sadly, being in Charlie's arms, she wished that she could stay in his arms forever because it was comfy.

The man chuckled. "C'mon, Athena. Go to bed."

"But you'e comfy... " She mumbled, hugging him tighter, causing Charles to grumble. "Five more minutes, Charlie... "

"I'm nor your bed!"

"Mmm... " Athena hummed. "Well, obviously."

Owen shake his head. "Thena, you're not a kid anymore."

"I'm a kid." She argued sleepily. "I'm a kid at heart and that counts."

Xavier chuckled. "That doesn't count."

"But Zen still thinks of me as a kid."

Zen scoffed. "Hey, don't drag me into this! And I don't think of you as little kid anymore!"

She smiled, despite her eyes still being closed. "You treat me as a kid because if you didn't then you wouldn't be so against my relationship with Theo."

Zen crossed his arms and huffed. "That's different!"

Athena opened her eyes. Everyone could see how she was tired. Her eyes were droopy and watery because of her constant yawning. Athena's parents had to stay back to accompany the guests. The party's wearing off so they're probably going to be leaving the party soon as well.

"How's that any different?" She raised a brow at him.

Zen got speechless.

How was that any different?

But it's his job to worry. He wasn't treating her like a kid anymore he was only treating her like a sister who needed a protective bro. Yeah, that's probably it.

"Enough, you two." Owen said, breaking up their upcoming fight. "We don't need to fight tonight."

Athena grinned victoriously while Zen just glared at her.

Xavier turned to look at Athena. "And Athena, you can't sleep in Charle's arms forever."

Athena pouted. "But it's comfy."

Xavier gave her a stern look, making Athena sigh and jump out of Charles's comfortable and warm arms.

"Fine, dad." She replied sarcastically.

"Let's get you all cleaned up and get ready to go to bed."

"Okay, mom." She answered at Owen, making him chuckle.

"I haven't heard that nickname for such a long time." Zen exclaimed.

Owen rolled his eyes and just began to push Athena away from her brothers.

"Oh! Almost forgot." Athena said, stopping in her tracks, making everyone look at her in confusion.

She turned around and smiled at them. "Thanks to you, guys, my life's been turned completely upside down. You were the best guards and the greatest brothers. As your sister, I'm glad you didn't leave me behind."

Zen chuckled. "Are you kidding me? You're only saying that now?"

"Oh come on." Charles whined. "Let her finish."

"Fine... " Zen mumbled.

Athena giggled but she still continued. "You stayed with me through thick and thin, you guys were there for me when I needed you the most and I'm forever grateful. Really. Thank you. Because of you guys, I didn't have to be alone anymore."

That warmed everyone's heart.

"You'll never be alone anymore, Athena." Xavier said, smiling like the rest.

Everyone was happy that they made it this far. Their hardships and trials just made their bond grew more. Athena, she's a good girl. They all want what's best for her.

But no matter what, whatever challenges that life's got to offer then they'll take them on.

They'll stick with her like glue because she deserves to be happy. She deserves to be loved and cared for. Even if she's married or an old wrinkly lady, they'll still be there for her.

Because once upon a time, a little three year old kid always wanted someone to stay with her permanently. People in her life was always a come-and-go. There was no-one beside her parents that stayed with her for so long.

But they came and all of that changed.

It drastically changed her life.

They were with her. They stuck with her and Athena wouldn't ask for more.

Athena would never be alone anymore.

Because she's got her family.


Hey guys! Sorry for not giving you a chapter.

School's been hectic.

[Please skip this if you don't wanna read my crisis at school]

School's still hectic today. I think that I'm still emotional and at lost because my teammates for a group project just dragged me down where my grades would flop and fall. They've given up to the point where I can't do anything about it anymore.

There's a lot of what ifs and I just don't know what to do with life.

My grades would flop. I'll be in danger.

Everyone had high expectations of me and I just blew it like an idiot!

I'm mad at myself for giving up so easily. I was supposed to be a leader.

But I'm not good at being a leader! I can't even be good at communicating with them! Why the hell would my teacher make me a leader?

I can't work under pressure but I have to, I tried so badly, and I failed. Like an idiot.

And I'm at lost at what to do.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Should I continue or should I just also give up?

Tomorrow's the deadline so I don't know if I can do that alone...

But anyways, sorry for ranting!

I hope. You guys enjoyed it!

Unfortunately this is the last chapter!

Tell me what you guys think!

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