Chapter 24: Fear of the Dark

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Reaver adjusts his stance.

Wolf: "Listen Reaver, if he also possess the power of the Dark Bearer, then he won't hesitate for a single attack."

Reaver: "(smirking) All I'm worried about is how boring things 'll get after I'm done here."

Jack cracks his neck.

Jack: "(unhinged) I like it when my victims have a little bite to them!"

A black glow begins to surround the Obsidian Scythe.

Jack: "(unhinged) This'll be great after being stuck in this dump for centuries!"

Wolf: "(in head) Is the one of the first Bearers?"

Jack makes a mad dash for Reaver as the sound of clanging chains fills the air.

Reaver: "(in head) I don't see any chains..."

Reaver uses his handle to hold back Jack's attack.

Jack: "Surprise!"

The blade of the enemy scythe pops off, revealing a seemingly endless chain made of pure shadows still attaching the blade to the handle.

Reaver: "That blade can detach?!"

Reaver tries to get away, but his weapon is caught in the chain.

Jack: "(cackling) You have no idea how many tricks I can use with this bad boy!"

The chain retracts and takes Reaver with it.

Reaver: "(struggling) Like hell I'm going to fall into your trap!"

Reaver lets go of his scythe, causing it to fly over Jack's head and get lodged into the wall about a dozen feet high.

Jack: "(disappointed) Why did you have to go and do that?"

Reaver makes a mad dash for his scythe.

Reaver: "Because I have more than two brain cells."

A more malicious light flickers within Jack's eyes.

Jack: "(maliciously) You didn't just say that, did you?"

Reaver suddenly halts as he recognizes the glow.

Wolf: "R-Reaver?!"

Reaver: "(horrified) No..."

Reaver begins to shake in fear, but he still pushes himself to grab his scythe.

Reaver: "(horrified, in head) What the hell is going on?! He's just like me!"

Jack sends the blade of his weapon flying at Reaver's weapon at twice the speed of his legs.

Jack: "(maliciously) No one calls me an imbecile and has their corpse to tell the story!"

The blade lodges into the wall next to Reaver's as the retracting chain propels him towards it.

Wolf: "Is this... Darkest Rage?"

Reaver: "Darkest Rage?"

Jack collides with the wall so hard that it creates two craters for his feet.

Wolf: "A trait that makes Dark Bearers lose self control during a spark of rage. Atami should've been able to train him to control it!"

Jack punches Reaver's scythe an extra dozen feet through the soil as Reaver's heart begins to sink.

Reaver: "Then that..."

Jack: "(maliciously) Die!"

The blade of the scythe is sent flying at the paralyzed Reaver so hard, that he actually has the blade go through him and into the wall, leaving the Reaver's body dangling off of the chain as the Darkest Rage subsides.

Jack: "(calming down) That's better."

Wolf: "Reaver!"

Several years ago...

Atami keeps blocking Reaver's scythe attacks with his bare hands.

Young Reaver: "(annoyed) Stop blocking me!"

Atami: "Calm yourself. This is all-"

The same, malicious glow is beginning to form, but Atami grabs Reaver's arm just in time to stop it.

Atami: "The dark can't consume you Reaver! You can't forget that!"

Reaver collapses onto his knees.

Young Reaver: "(hyperventilating) I could feel it..."

Atami kneels down and places his hands on Reaver's shoulders.

Atami: "Remember, the only way to beat anger is to remain calm and think clearly."

Young Reaver: "(calming down) I-I'll try..."

Present day...

Jack is looking at Reaver's dangling body like he was watching TV.

Jack: "Now when should I take down this decoration? When the smell begins to kick in? Yeah that sounds good enough."

Wolf: "Did I really let someone as sadistic as you become a Dark Bearer?"

Reaver's fingers begin to twitch.

Reaver: "(weakly) Thanks for the weapon."

Jack: "Huh?"

Reaver grabs the chain.

Wolf: "Reaver!"

He uses his strength to rip the chain and blade out of his chest and the wall with pure willpower.

Jack: "(maliciously) You aren't dead yet?"

Darkest Rage is beginning to trigger within Jack.

Reaver: "(coughing blood) Like hell I'm dying to you."

Reaver then yanks on the chain to rip the handle out of Jack's grasp.

Wolf: "How are you even standing?!"

Reaver catches the handle and has the blade retract as the weapon sparks with new life and black light covers the hole in his body.

Reaver: "(smirking) I'm having way too much fun to kick the bucket here."

Jack begins to dash towards Reaver like a rabid dog.

Jack: "(maliciously) All I want is your corpse hanging on my wall!"

Wolf: "(awkwardly) Why did I expect a different answer?"

The wolf begins taking a more physical form behind Reaver.

Reaver: "The Ancient who commands the shadows of the night shall arrive to cast judgement upon the wicked. Come..."

The wolf is ready for action.

Reaver: "... Dark!"

Dark begins to rapidly run around Jack.

Dark: "I don't have a choice, do I?"

A dome of darkness surrounds Jack as Reaver dives in.

His wolf entraps you in a dome of darkness, then shad

Reaver: "Let's finish this!"

Reaver begins slicing and dicing Jack through the darkness as hands made of shadows grab him by the limbs and neck.

Reaver/ Dark: "Fear of the Dark!"

The hands rip of his limbs and skull and drag the pieces into the darkness, leaving the bloody torso on the ground as the darkness fades away and Dark returns to his ghastly state.

Dark: "Ouch..."

The black light breaks apart, revealing that the hole in Reaver's body aand clothes has completely vanished.

Reaver: "(sighing) Now I'm bored again."

Reaver heads for the exit.

Dark: "(awkwardly) Of course you are..."

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