Chapter 1: Birth of Destruction

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???: "S-Stop it!"

A small, black dragon is getting bullied by several larger dragons.

Dragon 1: "What're you going to do about it Koruma?"

Koruma: "(whining) Just stop it!"

Dragon 2: "Just stop whining and maybe we'll stop."

Koruma flees the entire endeavor.

Koruma: "I'll show you! I'll show all of you!"

Koruma vanishes from sight.

Dragon 3: "We'd love to see you try, wimp."

A few hours later...

Koruma: "Stupid bullies."

Koruma wanders through a black forest.

Koruma: "They'll pay..."

Koruma sheds a single tear.

Koruma: "Everyone like that should burn in hell like the scum they-"

Koruma falls down a cliff, tumbling down and into an area that feels forbidden.

Koruma: "Isn't this where the Ancients tell us to stay away from?"

A purple glow shines at the top of an altar.

Koruma: "I should get out of-"

The glow resonates with him.

Koruma: "... no."

He walks up the steps and towards the glow.

Koruma: "They'll all pay, one way or another."

The source begins to fuse with his body.

Koruma: "(struggling) What is this-"

His body begins to grow as his eyes glow with malice.

Koruma: "(menacingly) More power! I need more power!"

The light fuses with his body and he continues to grow as he begins walking towards other dragons.


Six dragons, one red, one blue, one brown, one yellow, one green, and one black are overlooking this catastrophe.

Light: "This has to stop young one!"

Koruma: "(menacingly) You can't stop me! Nothing can!"

Water: "Then we have no choice."

All six create respective colored beams of light that contain Koruma as he bulks up to he catastrophic size.

Wind: "Your own hatred is what brought you as low as disobeying our orders."

Koruma fails to escape it's grasp.

Fire: "You must suppress your greed!"

Koruma: "(chuckling) You can't hold my newfound power at bay forever!"

Koruma's body is becoming dormant.

Koruma: "We all know that it takes cooperation to break this barrier from both sides."

Dark: "No human will help you."

Koruma: "(smirking) We'll see about that..."

Koruma goes dormant, t not before having the soil around him turn purple.

Earth: "It really can't last forever..."

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