Chapter 41: Pitch Black

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The next day...

The remaining five heroes are currently scouring the area where Reaver did the deed.

With Leo...

Leo is currently pushing through a couple waves of pushes in his path.

Leo: "Just why did you decide to do this Reaver?"

Pyronicious: "Maybe he did it to protect you?"

Leo: "He doesn't need to hide from us. We're like family."

With Audrey...

Audrey has just arrived at the edge of a cliff, with her able to see the dying forest in the direction Grace was heading.

Audrey: "Damn. What the hell is that?"

Oceanaria: "The sign of Koruma's presence."

Audrey: "If she's hiding there then-"

With Jake...

Jake has climbed to the top of a large boulder to try and get a better view, but to no avail.

Jake: "This is getting us nowhere."

Terraxis: "If we want to get somewhere, then we must start at nowhere."

Jake: "Fair enough."

With Henrietta...

Henrietta is following an oddly dark riverbank upstream to see if she gets somewhere.

Henrietta: "Why is the water this color?"

Gustailex: "It could be-"

Henrietta: "Melissa and Koruma?"

With Grace...

Grace has arrived at the domain of Melissa, readying her rifle.

Illuminal: "Melissa s most likely here."

Grace: "(cracking neck) If I find her, I find Reaver."

Illuminal: "What makes you say that?"

Grace: "I know Reaver inside and out."

Grace continues down the path as the dread in the air grows thick.

Grace: "And we'll also get to deal with Melissa at the same time."

Zombies begin springing to life.

???: "I've got one Melissa."

Reaver sits atop one of the trees, his eyes still flickering dark grey.

Grace: "Reaver!"

They quickly notice that Dark is absent.

Illuminal: "What the hell did you do with Dark?!"

Grace is secretly sending a text to everyone.

Reaver: "My powers are stronger than even the Ancient who created them."

Reaver stands up and hops across from tree to tree.

Reaver: "I'm going to let my partners know that you finally showed up."

Reaver hops away as the zombies begin to close in on her.

Illuminal: "Reaver!"

Grace lands fatal shots without even looking at her targets.

Grace: "Get back here!"

More zombies spring from the ground as Grace tries to move forward.

Illuminal: "There's too many!"

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