Request from Gwen (michael imagine)

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A/N: Please vote all of my stories please..

Username: xXGwenXxXAutumnXx

Name: Gwen

Country: England

Who: Michael

About: meet at music store

You were walking to your favourite music store, you wanted to fine some CDs. While you were walking you stopped by the Starbucks cafe to by (your FAV drink).

You continue walking and you reached the store you search for your favourite CD(which is I didn't know) while you were searching through you didn't watch where you were walking and you accidentally stepped on someone's shoe.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" you say desperately

"Oh, it ok. I know it was an accident." that guy ensured you with a warm smile.

You focus on his dyed hair and faces and you realize that he was Michael from 5SOS.

"You are Michael from 5SOS. I like your band and your musics too. my name is Gwen by the way." you say try not to fangirl. "oh that's great! Gwen that's a cute name. well, uhm, are you free tonight?" he asked nervously.

"Yeah, why?" You asked and your heart beating fast like its gonna burst.

"Well, do you wanna go out on a dinner date with me?" He said shyly

"Of course! I would love to." and you guys exchange numbers and from there you started of with a really cute relationship.


Thanks for reading guys! follow me on twitter @Arina5SOS i'll follow back! bye! Sorry for any error/mistakes I'm not really good. bye thank again!🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

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