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I woke up to see Aaron laying on my chest and Lilith laying next to me. I pulled Aaron's head into my chest. He opened his eyes and blushed. Then he sat up.

Aaron: Good morning.

Aphmau: Good morning. How did you sleep?

Aaron: Great actually. How about you?

Aphmau: I slept well.

He smiled and got up. Then he slipped his jacket on. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. A smile spread across my face. I loved him so much. 

Aaron: I've got some things I need to take care of with Garroth. Will you be alright without me?

Aphmau: Yeah, I'll be good.

Then my morning sickness kicked in. I got up and went over to a bucket. Aaron looked concerned.

Aaron: You sure?

Aphmau: Yeah, go ahead.

Aaron's POV

I looked at Aphmau one last time before walking out of the house. Today I needed to talk with Garroth about Aphmau. Just then I saw Garroth talking with Zoey. I decided to walk by them and hope they would notice me. Slowly I walked by them.

Garroth: Hey, Aaron!

Aaron: Hey, Garroth. Can I talk to you when you're done here.

Garroth: Yeah, is everything alright?

Aaron: Yeah, I just need to talk to you about something.

Zoey: Hey, can I ask you something, Aaron?

Aaron: Yes, what is it?

Zoey: How's Aphmau's pregnancy going?

Aaron: It's going well. She should be heading into her second trimester soon. That is if we're calculating how pregnant she is correctly.

Zoey: That's good. Any concerns you would like me to help you with?

Aaron: Can Aphmau do anything that's physical?

Zoey: Like what?

Aaron: Like some sort of little hike up a small mountain?

Zoey: She should be ok for that. Why?

Aaron: Look, this is what I wanted with to talk about with Garroth but I guess you should know too. I'm planning to ask Aphmau to marry me.

Zoey: Really?! 

Garroth: Go for it man!

Aaron: I'm afraid she'll say no.

Garroth: Why?

Aaron: I'm scared after I left her for that month that she will be angry at me.

Zoey: That's nonsense. She loves you. I know that. 

Aaron: I am going to go through with it. But I need to go back to Aphmau and Lilith.

Zoey: I'll watch Lilith when you go with Aphmau.

Aaron: Thank you. I'll talk to you guys later. 

Garroth: Good luck, man.

Zoey: See you in a bit. 

I smiled and walked off. As much as I want to go back to Aphmau right now I feel like I need to check on Vylad. I guess I should head over to Vylad's place. I got to his house and knocked on the door. Vylad opened the door.

Vylad: Aaron? What's wrong?

Aaron: What do you mean?

Vylad: You only come to my house if something is wrong? 

Aaron: Well, I had a feeling I needed to come here.

Vylad: Aaron, I need you to come inside.

I walked inside and we sat down at his dinner table.

Vylad: Aaron, I have been having these dreams that involve Laurence. 

Aaron: What happens in the dreams?

Vylad: Laurence comes and kills you. Then, he takes Lilith and stabs her right in front of Aphmau. After that he kills Aphmau. Then I wake up.

Aaron: That's terrible. 

My eyes widen as I get a sharp pain in my side.

Vylad: Are you all right?

Aaron: I need to get home.

Vylad: Alright, bye, Aaron.

I just got up and ran out of there and saw Laurence entering the house. I ran faster and realized my sword was inside our house. Still I busted through the door. 

Laurence: Ah, Aaron, I see you decided to join us. 

I saw Aphmau lying on the bed holding Lilith tightly. Then I realized Lilith was perfectly fine. But Aphmau had been stabbed. A feeling of anger rushed over me. I ran over and grabbed my sword. Laurence and I started to fight. We fought and I eventually I killed Laurence. Then I picked up Aphmau's body and ran to Zoey. 

Aaron: Zoey -pant- Aphmau -pant- stabbed!

Zoey took her and healed her. I wasn't allowed to see her. It was torture.

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