She is back

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Leon's POV
In my sleep I feel hands touching me, how I hope they belonged to Sarah. I put the sheet off only to be disappointed, annoyed and totally disgusted.

"What are you doing in my bed, what don't you understand in get away from me."

"We both know you don't mean that, with your gf away am sure you could do a little with me."

"You expect me to have sex with you when my woman was taken, when I don't know what type of hell she is going through right now, no I cannot have fun while she might be hurt, a human taken by a vampire spells trouble."

"Did you just say a vampire took her?"

"Yes I did so what?"

"Am just curious as to what you know of this vampire that had the guts to take her out of the future Emperor's room. It seems like you don't have influence over them the way your father does."

"Shut up and leave I don't need influence, I'll just tear his head off and if I am in the mood I might just murder or enslave his family and his love ones."

"Over a mere human girl. What do you see in her Leon. She is so frail, so weak. I could snap her neck without even really trying."

"Then I would have to tear you limb from limb."

"She is worthy of you, whoever have her am glad they took her and I hope they kill her and make my life better."

"Leave and don't come back, if I ever see your face here again, I'll kill you myself."

Sarah's POV
The chain on my ankle has started to bruise, how did I end up here in this situation I ponder. Is Leon even looking for me, even thinking of me or have he just moved on. I don't think I'll be able to bear this much longer anyway, i might die here I just only hope he knows I truly love him.

"Here", said the same voice that spoke to me each day he opened the door to handle me food I normally flushed down the toilet. I think I should eat it today am way to weary. I fear it might be poison but either way am dead. I hold the plate steadily against my chest taking slow bites of each food before I chewed and swallow. My tummy fell full but I felt another feeling coming on, I knew then and there that I was poisoned. I put the plate down and lay on the floor as my eyes closed simultaneously.

Leon's POV
I just got summoned by my father and his Royal guard apparently they have located where Rolan Meer is hiding and am at my heights of excitement.

"So what are you waiting for, let's go?", I said to the guard.

" Wait up son, your mother and I will be joining you today", said my dad.


"Its been a while since I have hunt, this shall be fun", said my mother licking her fangs.

I was almost sorry for Rolan Meer when we caught up to him. We got in the car and the Royal guard sped away to a house outside of town. We all ran inside at vampire speeds, my mother was the first to corner Roland Meer.

"Where is she?", asked my mother holding Rolan by his neck.

Rolan didn't answer.

"Where is she?", my mother asked again.

" My dear maybe if you stop crushing his wind pipe and give him a chance to speak we would know ", said my dad touch the cheeks of his wife gently.

"Sorry!", said my mother has she release Rolan from her grip and he falls to the ground.

" I suggest you answer and don't further anger my queen, she is testy. The kingdom has run out of people for her to kill", warned my father.

"You are too late", said Rolan laughing. " She isn't here and you will never find her."

"Is that right?", said my mother as she approached him with eyes bleeding black.

She held his head with both her hands and looked into his eyes. Rolan screamed in aganoising pain. Five minutes after my mother released his head and turn to face us.

" Son you may have your way with him now", said my mother.

That's all I need to hear as the last line of the sentence left her lip, Rolan arms left his shoulder sockets and as he scream in pain and threatened to bleed out, I looked him in the eyes, gave him one faithful smirk before ripping his head off.

"Now let's go", said my mother. "We have no time to waste."

Sarah's POV
I smell the scent of roses and I thought for sure I was in heaven, I opened my eyes and notice I was in a different room. An upgrade to my prison, such an unrecognizable space. It more suited a room than a prison but my ankle still had a chain dangling around it.

Word from author
Sorry I have been a little MIA of lately but here I am now with another completed chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. See you next write.

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