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Sarah's POV
"Pregnant Alex how are you pregnant and for Leo at that."

"He didn't tell you he been having sex with me, huh."

"Sex with you, I thought you was his ex."

"That didn't seem to matter when we were making love."

"Making love?"

"Yes where did you think he ran to all those times you pushed him away fighting about nonsense, directly into my arms."

"Leon I can't do this, this......this Leon is just too much. How could you get her pregnant?"

"Sarah she is lying."

"Am afraid she isn't son", said his mother. " I can hear the baby's heartbeat."

"Me too son, she is definitely pregnant", responded my father.
"But we know Alexis is good at nothing but being a cheat Sarah, so if she is pregnant this child isn't for my son. This child isn't of royal blood so don't let her scare you away."

"I can guarantee you this child is of royal blood and that it is his.", said Alexis.

" Well we will soon know soon enough right Alexis, vampire babies come sooner than human babies and since you both are vampires, this shouldn't take forever.", said my mother.

"We will see Grand Queen", replied Alexis before flashing a confident grin.

Leon's POV
This is all so messy, I love Alexis we have been through alot. Now her best friend, kidnapper and my dirty cheap ex is claiming to be my child's mother. I can see the hurt in Sarah's face I don't think we will pass this obstacle. This is bound to end the relationship all together. Slience filled the halls as we all exited Alexis prison and to our rooms.

" Sarah can we talk? "

"Talk about what Leon, there is nothing you can ever do to make this right.", Sarah said while she started to gather her things.

"But Sarah!"

"But nothing, get the driver to take me home", she said as she headed towards the door.

I sighed sadly knowing this was good bye and knowing I would tear Sarah to pieces later, if that child is mind I just take him to therapy to deal with the fact that I killed his mother. I was about to drift in deep thoughts when I saw Sarah's back entered in my room, in front of her was my mother.

" Grand Queen", said Sarah.

"Grand Queen Sarah?, am I not your mother in law, why address me with so much formality."

"Excuse but I am about to leave, I have ended the relationship with your son."

"Ended the relationship, Sarah I can guarantee you this was all a misunderstanding, that girl cannot be carrying my grand son. I don't want you to leave, just wait until the baby is born and you will have prove it isn't my son's child."

"I can't, I don't have nine months. I can't put my life on hold for nine months. That's asking for too much."

"Please Sarah just for me, nothing is too much when love is involved, plus who said anything about nine months, this baby will be born in two month tops, vampire babies developed within five month and the baby is already three months. So we only need to wait two more and then this will be sorted."

"How do you know how far gone she is."

"Different from being a witch with heightened senses of a vampire, I brought a doctor to check her. He did a ultrasound within her room yesterday. I have had all the needed equipment moved in there and when she is near to deliver we will make the necessary adjustments. After this baby is born she will be made to endure her punishment."

Meanwhile in Alexis's Room
"Everybody get out, I want to speak to her alone."

"I was wondering when you were gonna visit your highness."

"What kind of stun you pulling Alexis, naming Leon the father of your son."

"What you jealous of your son king."

"Why would I be, when half the time I was getting more action from you than my son. I have been up in you so often, I know the road."

"Yea why are you here tho, to question if I am really pregnant for your son or reasons of your own."

"I know you can't be pregnant for my son, so am here on person business, now stand up and let me look at you."

"You sure you want to do this here right now."

"Why not Alexis we are alone, now remove your clothes."

Meanwhile in the security room where the Queen had surveillance equipment put in place secretively to keep an eye on Alexis

The guards watched in silence as Alexis removed her clothes, the King walked up to her and embraced her into his arms, kiss her gently on her lips before turning attention to her breast. The king sucked on them gently before removing his clothes. Then Alexis went down and took the King 's manly proportion into her mouth. The king groan in pleasure as Alexis head went up and down within five minutes, she stand up and bend her to allow the king access from behind.

Word from author
Ain't the king just disgusting, sleeping with his son's ex within the premises where his wife/queen resides. Especially under the circumstances that she is pregnant for his son. It seems the Grand Queen will be having her hands full soon enough.

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