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Don't limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.


If you're here, then you're aiming to learn or improve your content here on Wattpad.

Let me run down what TIPS AND TEA is here to accomplish.

In basic, uncomplicated, straightforward, undemand- ok, you get it. In simple terms, we are here to help. Yes, you read right. Help. That is what we want to accomplish for each and everyone of you, including ourselves because we are all still learning, no matter what level we might be on.

We will be giving you tips and tricks based on our experiences. All the bad, all the good, all the pretty, all the ugly, all the TEA and all the TIPS.

Each chapter will consist of a different set of specially picked topics and will be written by different writers. You will get the do's and don'ts of what ever topic is up.

For example:

character development
kissing/sexual tension

Those are just a few of many of the different topics we will bring to you.

We are speaking from experience. What worked well and what didn't. You will be given examples and step by step.

It's easy to say you want to get better at something, but the moment you truly get better is the moment you search for better. Well here we are, search no longer.

I personally have been at the point where I didn't know how to do anything. And I honestly mean, anything.

I joined wattpad because I loved reading. Personally for me, my biases are physical books but I had heard the name Wattpad pop up a few times over the years and never really went for it. That is until I came across the website somehow, and just said I guess you have no excuse now, so I joined; but as a reader.

Writing was not something I was all too interested in. Reading? Hell yes, but writing? Definitely not. I read and read until I went through a weird very common drought period where none of the books I was reading really interested me so I stopped reading for about two weeks and then BOOM, a movie began playing in my head.

I don't know how to explain it without sounding cliche but I saw all my characters and I saw the plot, the turning point of my story. It wasn't new for me to create movies in my head but, it was the first time it wouldn't leave after an hour. One week later I thought well I guess I could try this writing thing out, and if it doesn't work out; no harm, no foul. I didn't even use that first plot.

Four books.

That's how many books I wrote in the span of one week. The amount of reads they got, well let's just say; those books will never make an appearance ever again. They were very bad.

I didn't know how to hone what I was feeling and itching to put out. I was too eager. I didn't stop, breath and think about what I wanted to do. So after deciding that writing was something that was now embedded in me and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, I wanted to get better.

If there were romance, thriller and action books, there had to be one to help guide new writers; right? I went to the search bar and typed tips and in a matter of seconds I was faced with I want to say at least a four hundred maybe more books on writing tips.

I must've gone through fifteen tip books before I realized nothing there was helping me. So I went to the next best thing, Pinterest. I began doing writing prompts, trying to get better at free writing and you know what? It helped. Soon, a month later on June 5, 2019 I wrote my first few chapters and published that same day; using my very first plot.

My first book, my baby "King Of Hearts."

The point of the story is this. I wanted help, I searched for it and those methods that I had found didn't work for me, even Pinterest had its limits.

I'm not saying that all of the methods provided to you by TIPS AND TEA are fool proof but these methods have helped us; the members reach the point where we are now.

We are here to help you try and find your thing. Maybe you need help with how to develop your characters or your antagonist or even grammar. Each of us writers know what our strengths are and will give you the tips that helped us.

It's a process, but a process done right has long lasting effects than one done half assed.

And since you're already here, why not stay and find out how we could be of service.

Alright loves, that's it for the introduction to TIPS AND TEA. I truly hoped this gave you some insight on what we want to accomplish here. Like I said before, we are all learning still; this way anything new we learn we pass on and we grow together.

Written by | @rhemawritess

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