Emotional writing

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Emotional writing by :

For starter you would need a theme, topic, or genre to follow. If your writing an emotional story most of the time it falls under drama. That is why it's best to have an outlined idea of what you are going for.

Last year I wrote a story called 8 pieces of pie. It is based off of all emotion. The problem with it was that it was not detailed enough. That brings me to pointer number two. Description and detail. No matter what scene you are creating the scene must be written in detailed description. without the detailed description the readers cannot follow along. When you are having a conversation about your emotions and you have to go into description and detail you would need to help the person your talking to understand you. This is the same.

Pointers to use:

~ Never leave the characters emotions unfinished. Meaning do not use partial description.

~ Describe the background areas, other characters, and whatever or whoever else is involved in the situation.

Next pointer is actions. When writing a story based off of emotion. the main focus is always involved with the characters feelings in everything that they do. Their emotion should be as loud and clear at all times. An example would be let's say I had a character named Tiana and she is going to a new school I would write out her emotions and experience as she is going along.


I entered into my new  school nervous and anxious. The school was huge and there were crazy teens everywhere. I walked through the corridor and followed the signs to the main office to grab my schedule. I finally reached the office when a guy came out of nowhere with his friends and knocked me over. My nerves sky rocketed and my anger increased. It through me off guard. He  then helped me up. And just when I was about to tell him off we met eye contact my anger was gone. He had these beautiful blue eyes, neat beard over a broad jaw, and luscious plump lips. I was mesmerized and  It was like he made me feel safe and there was not a worry in the world. I wanted to stay here forever...

I used description of the background, the main character and the other characters in the scene. that is key.

Last but not least you have the planning. You must plan out what will happen and how it will happen to help with emotional description. If you are just writing each chapter off of the wind you will get tangled up in your own emotions instead of the characters emotions. The story has to be steady and according to the story line. If the story is everywhere in emotion it throws everything off. It makes the reader think, okay well what is going on? why is this happening and where did this come from? complete confusion because you yourself are confused. your writing and emotions when you write flows through your story and readers can sense it.

That's it for emotional writing with @Dearasiaa I hope you all got something out of this and I hope it helps you improve your writing .

Don't forget to follow me on both wattpad and instagram @Dearasiaa 

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