c h a p t e r 1

219 8 0

(Wonpil's POV)

I walked along the damp pavement. Puddles splashed under my feet. My shoes were now wet due to all the ones I'd stepped in, and they were becoming wetter and wetter. The rain was getting beyond heavy so I tugged my coat's hood down so much that I could barely see and quickened my pace. I was almost jogging at this point.

"I should've just gotten a cab..." I sighed through gritted teeth and stuffed my hands back into my also soaked pockets. Why did this have to be such a bad day? Right when I stepped foot outside the building the sky suddenly flooded with grey clouds and rain began gushing out.

Already shivering beyond belief, I decided to take shelter under a deserted bus stop. I darted over and made myself comfortable on the bench, curling into myself slightly to preserve body heat. My tired eyes looked ahead at the café across the road ahead. Maybe I could stop by for a drink once this rain calmed down a bit...

I was already pondering about what I was going to order before my ears twitched slightly upon hearing a familiar tune, but a bit... off. My head spun around to the source, and blinked a few times over at the slightly ajar window. Then I heard the agitated squeak of a girl.

"Why can I never get this part right!?" I just about could hear her whine through the rain, which made the corners of my lips curve upwards into a slight smile. That was exactly what I used to say when I was learning the keyboard. My head spun back around so I wasn't craning my head at a weird angle, but still listened intensely to what was happening. I leaned my head against the glass wall of the bus stop, just below an old, dishevelled poster. I wasn't getting my head dirty, it was my hood that I was allowing to touch whatever was on that wall.

The melody started up again, from the beginning. My eyes widened a little at the realisation as to which song she was playing and I bit down on my lip to prevent a big smile from showing up. What a coincidence! She was playing one of our songs!

I sat there, listening. It was going well so far... until one off-key note made me cringe slightly. I couldn't hear anything else for a few seconds and I started to think I'd gone deaf before I heard a mess of notes, followed by a moan of anguish.

"Why are they making me do this..." she sighed out in defeat. I kept listening until I heard a quiet thud, some paper being moved about, footsteps and eventually a door being closed. I leaned back against the glass behind me, just thinking and looking up towards the sky. The rain had almost stopped, thank God.

As I finally stood up, I couldn't help but continue thinking about what just happened. That girl's voice was so sweet; so soft. She could be an excellent singer. I wonder if she was a singer. I wonder what songs she knows how to play! Does she know any of our songs like, off by heart? Oh! Is she pretty?

I giggled softly, cupping my own cheeks momentarily and enjoying the slight warmth before pulling my hands away again and heading across the road to that café. What was this feeling? Actually, no, I knew the feeling all too well, but my brain was being stupid. There's no way I could like someone just by a voice. But she was acting so cute and — No! Stop, stupid brain! It's not like it's ever going to happen anyway! I rolled my eyes at my own delusional thoughts.

Quickly, I pushed open the door. It was so warm in here, I could've just gone inside instead of listening to that girl play in the freezing cold, then I'd at least not be aware of her existence. The atmosphere felt so cozy, the tables and chairs were neatly set up and the room had a cute fireplace in the corner, blocked off of course but still cute nonetheless. That girl's voice was cute too...

I wandered up to the counter and ordered. As the shop wasn't extremely busy I was able to grab my coffee after only a slight wait and sat down at a booth beside the window. My nose was starting to run due to the sudden change of temperature so I reached into my pocket for a packet of tissues in case it got worse.

Thoughtfully, I stared out at the cold, wet pavements, soggy grass and all the miserable puddles. I just couldn't stop thinking and thinking... about that voice. But why? Have I heard it once before or was it just so... I don't know! I don't know what it was about it that was so intriguing. It was just a person talking, but again, it's not like my heart cared about my logical thoughts.

Before my thoughts could take me any further again, I blinked a few times and looked back down at my drink, taking a small sip and sighing at the almost scorching liquid making its way down my throat. I wonder where she'll be performing the song. I'd definitely watch. Maybe seeing her face would take my mind off her. Maybe it's just my curiosity as to what she looked like making my mind keep coming back to her.

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