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"What was that?!" I blurted, my ears ringing in my head. I couldn't see much but the boy standing next to me and smoke and rubble falling to the ground near me. The next thing I knew I saw a woman charging towards the scene of destruction in a dark blue, nearly skin-tight outfit.


Seeing her in action for the first time in what seemed like forever stunned me. She was in her early forties in age but could still move like a 20 year old. Wow, my mom was amazing.


I looked around the room at all of my friends in kindergarten. Their quirks were amazing. Breathing fire, insane strength, the ability to move through any object no matter the density. I felt left out. My quirk didn't manifest until I was 6 years old, a late bloomer, as they called me. 

"Your quirk will come soon, my love," my mother cooed lovingly as she braided my (H/C) hair. It was almost my seventh birthday and we were getting all the decorations set up. My mother and father were discussing who in the family they should invite while I wandered off once she had finished braiding my hair. "Don't go too far, honey, it's almost sundown!" she called as I went out the back door to our house. 

"I won't, mama!" I called back, giving her a reassured smile.

Our neighborhood was not known for its violence, but its peace. The neighbors to our left had a full blown garden that anyone was allowed to venture into. It had all types of plants and flowers blooming every season. I would often times go there while mom and dad were talking about adult things that bored me. My friend Pony Tsunotori lived there. Her house was filled with life and love. It felt so nice to be in the presence of her parents. They seemed to really love each other and her.

My parents had a difficult time getting along once I came around. Whenever the famous hero Triple Z announced that she was having a baby girl, my dad thought it was a great time to show the world that he, too, was a great hero. He had dreamed of being a hero since he was in kindergarten. Whenever his quirk manifested, his teachers and classmates were all supportive and jealous. When he found out, however, in Junior High, that his quirk wasn't as strong and useful as they had originally thought, he was crushed. That feeling of insecurity carried over into his relationships and eventually, into his marriage with my mother.

He tried so hard to be the hero he dreamt of being when he was younger, but it wasn't working. He always, and still does, feel that he will never measure up to the awesomeness that is his wife.

As I wandered over to Pony's house, I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I shouldn't go, that something was wrong there, something...bad. Since I was only 6 years old and felt like I could take on the world, even without a quirk, I went anyways. When I entered their residence, my heart stopped. I froze. Their whole house was trashed. It seemed like everything was broken. No one seemed like they were home, thankfully. Instead of calling the police or anyone else to help, I ventured in by myself. I was quiet and careful, making sure not to step on any broken or hazardous material that might make noise and indicate I was there. Then I heard it, the laugh. The famous laugh of the burglary villain that had been running rampant throughout our town. 

My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move. Then I saw him. He saw me. I turned to run, anywhere. I wanted to get as far away from there as possible. I needed to. I needed help, I knew I couldn't face him on my own. Oh why did I go in there? Why didn't I listen to my gut feeling?

I felt his hand touch my shoulder and slam it downwards. A burning, aching sensation ran down my spine and up to the back of my skull. I had hit the ground harder than I ever had before, and I could feel it. I let out a cry of pain, it felt like everywhere was bleeding. I went to reach for him as he stepped over me, hunched over like he wanted to torment me some more. I wanted to do the same thing to him that he did to me. I wanted to hurt him. And then, I touched him. Just his leg, standing over me, and he fell. He fell backwards, thank God, and didn't land on top of me. 

I sat up on my elbows and looked back at the crazed villain. Had I just defeated him with one touch? Did I kill him? Me?

I moved closer to him and heard his breathing. Thank God. He was...sleeping. I could hear his snores coming from his nose. I didn't know what to do. What just happened? Why would he just fall asleep like that? I didn't know any of the answers and I didn't want to stick around to ask him when he woke up, so I ran. It hurt like hell but I ran as fast as I could back home.

I told my mother everything that happened. She called the police. When they arrived, they arrested him and made sure I had no serious injuries. Thankfully, it was only minor bruising to the back of my head, no real damage. But that was how I got my quirk. I defeated my first villain at age 6 by putting them to sleep.

My mother was so proud of me for having nearly the same quirk as her. She was practically beaming with joy. She was a great mother and a great hero and I inherited her quirk. How lucky is that?

*****End of Flashback*****

I heard people gasping whenever they saw her--Triple Z, the Sleeping Hero. She was amazing at her job. I couldn't help but smile when I saw her--and Bakugou noticed.

"Go mom!" I cheered as I saw her leap across the road to the shop that had just been blown up. She was ready to go. I couldn't hold myself back. It had been ages since I saw her live in action. I normally heard about it from her or on the news but seeing it in person was completely different. I had a feeling in my chest of pride and joy. That was my mom, and she was amazing.

I got knocked out of my trance whenever I felt Bakugou's hand touch my arm, pulling me to face him. The smile on my face visibly disappeared as I stared at him, "What?" I said in a tone that was more annoyed sounding than I wanted it to be.

"Mom? That's your mom? Triple your mom?" He sounded like he wasn't really asking me, but trying to convince himself somehow that it wasn't true. 

"Yeah, I thought everyone knew that. She's an amazing hero, isn't she?" 

" are her daughter? Like by blood?"

"...Yes? Why aren't you getting this? Also we should go somewhere safer in case there are any more explosions, c'mon!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the opposite direction. Most people had already started evacuating but it had completely slipped my mind that this area was unsafe whenever I saw my mom. 

There was an awkward silence between us when we were walking. After a few moments, I released his hand, assuming he would still follow behind me. Instead, he walked a little faster to catch up with me. 

"So what's it like having a crazy famous hero as a mom?" Bakugou mused, much to my surprise. I had been asked that question by so many people over the years but it took me by surprise to hear it come from Bakugou.

"Can we talk about this later, you know, when there's not a villain attacking nearby?"

He fell silent after that. I couldn't tell if he was contemplating the question or figuring out if he should ask another question about my mother. 

"Like at 6? Over coffee?" He asked. This question made me stop in my tracks. I didn't even turn to face him. I couldn't. Did this boy who hated me 5 minutes ago just ask me on a date?

When I finally turned to look at him, I felt a warm sensation grow on my cheeks reaching all the way up to the tips of my ears. "Did Katsuki Bakugou just ask me out on a date?" I teased, a devilish grin on my lips.

He rolled his eyes at that question, "It's not like that, baka. I want to know more about your mom, not you."

I had to admit, that stung a little. I shrugged, trying to brush it off. "Sure, give me your phone," I replied, holding out my hand. He placed his phone in it. I tried my best to hold back a grin when I saw he had a picture of the famous hero All Might as his lockscreen and a picture of my mom as his background picture. I put my number in his phone and handed it back to him. "See you at 6," I cooed as I turned around and walked away towards my apartment, my heart beating out of my chest.

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