Whats is happening to me!?

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Lyrics pov

I woke hazy and dizzy. As I sit up my head starts throbbing. That's when I realize I have no idea what's going on or who brought me here.

I look around and see that I'm in a room with a rather large bed that I just happen to be tied to. How flipping pancakes awesome is this! Hhhhhh keep call Lyric everything's gonna be okay it's all right your fine. At lest that's what I thought.

When I try to turn my head my neck burns and pops and I have no idea what's going on! I can't take the pain so I let out an agonizing scream without notice.

My throat burns as if I've been screaming for hours and all I can taste is blood. I'm freezing cold and of course the blankets under me look so warm but I have no way to get in them. Damn I'm screwed!

Next thing I know the door slams open, a large guy comes striding in. His pride clear on his face.

"Hello pup!" damn someone's got a temper.

"I do NOT have a temper!"

"Do too! Anyway who are you and where am I?"

"My names Xander and your in one of my cabins far in the woods where no one can hear you scream. It's for the best. May I check your neck I think you've strained to my it looks like your bleeding again...."

"Don't touch me! Let me go!"

"Im sorry dear I can't do that."

"Why the bloody hell not!!"

"Now don't get your panties in a twist! Calm down before you get hurt pup."

Uggggh why does he keep calling me that!!??

'Why don't you ask him human!'

Okay I'm hearing shit. Ugggh gotta stop cussing. Breath Lyric breath. Everything's gonna be all right.

'That's what you think!'

What! It's okay your not crazy you just hit your head everything's gonna be okay.

'Sure it is!'


"I'm Xander" says the man that won't let me go "I'm a werewolf just like the people you were living with. You my dear Lyric are mine your mine I own you."

That was the last thing I heard before my vision went blurry. The thing that happened next the got me the worst. When I tried to scream bloody murder out of frustration there was a growl that vibrated my chest. As I tried to scream again and again the same thing kept happening adding to my fuel. next thing I know I'm not strapped down anymore. Instead I'm running on all fours toward this Xander guy but before I can't tackle him he moves and I go flying out the window.

I land with a thud but nothing's broken I don't think. It hurts to get up tho so I think I just bruised something. ether way I'm able to get up so I do so and I run. I run with everything in me. I run until I can't anymore.

The last thing I see is a lake and 4 feet from my front paw? Shit now I'm delusional too! Oh of for christ sake I'm thirsty. I get up and go to the lake jumping in and drinking it. Sounds nasty I know but I could careless.

A little later I get out and curl up next to a tree and that's the last thing I remember because before I can say or do something sleep takes me under.

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