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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at your own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Hair Pulling, Choking, Femdom, Praise Kink, Internal Genitalia, Handjob, Teasing, D/S]

  Sparring with the Yautja was very different from sparring with a human. For starters, Ro was much tougher, hardier- he could take what I could dish out even with my right arm. He was also bigger, swifter, and stronger....and currently pinned face-down on the floor of the ship.

  "How's that for a runt?" I chuckled, panting and sweating as I held the alien's arm twisted behind his back and between his shoulder blades. Ro growled low, his breath heavy from effort and long hours of training. My tech arm coupled with my military training gave me the ability to fight on the same level as the Yautja, so it wasn't the first time I had managed to pin him either.

  I felt Ro's muscles tense before he bucked up, twisting with his arm and using his free one to catch me around the neck. Grunting, my back was slammed against the floor as the alien hovered over me, his large hand completely covering my throat as he added pressure to restrict my oxygen. My heart was pounding in my chest, thudding against my ribs as I hooked my legs over Ro's waist.

  My right hand on the side of his face shoved him off me and my legs on his hips got me on top of the alien. Grabbing his arms, I forced them together and held his wrists in my tech hand while laughing.

  "I think today's tr-" I was cut off as he just headbutted me, shoving me off him as he got back to his feet to level the playing field again. Licking my busted lip, I ran at the alien. Ro swung, but I used the size difference to my advantage and slid between his legs like a baseball player getting to home base. Turning, I kicked the back of his knees, making them buckle and forcing him to kneel.

  Grabbing a fistful of his dreads, I pulled his head back and placed my metal hand over his bared throat.

  "Submit." I panted, my chest quickly rising and falling from the effort of sparring for so long with the brute. We always kept going until one of us submitted. So far that had actually always been me, but I was determined to get Ro to do it this time around. The alien only growled again, his body vibrating from the low rumbling in his chest and throat.

  Tightening my grip on his dreads, I forced his head back more as the metal on the leathery appendages clinked together. Ro was unmoving, unyielding as he was on his knees. His mandibles twitched, but he said nothing, and I closed my hand over his throat.

  It was only after a few more seconds of us being in a battle of wills that I noticed something different by chance. Ro wasn't actually growling.

  He was purring.

  Not only that but there was a bump growing from beneath his loincloth, and I watched with twisted fascination. I was utterly caught off guard, but I couldn't will myself to look away as it became more and more prominent.

  "You kinky bastard, you actually are into choking! Apparently hair pulling, too." I mumbled, and my voice seemed to snap Ro back to reality as he realized he was hard and purring. The alien quickly reached up, going to grab me and throw me over his shoulder to the floor, but I made him completely freeze just by licking his lower jaw.

  A chance was presenting itself to me, and I sure as Hell was going to take it. At least, I was willing to try to.

  "Ro....take it off. Slowly." My voice was low, and I smirked as the purring quietly started up again. The big guy hesitated, and I shifted on my feet to lean closer to him. "Come on. Let me see it." The Yautja swallowed, I could feel it against my hand, and his fingers hooked over the waistband of his loincloth.

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