⛓Making a Home⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Internal Genitalia, Femdom, Praise Kink, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cock Riding, Scratching, D/S]

  It was hard to sleep with the ghastly howls echoing through the night. Anytime I'd get comfortable and nearly asleep, another call would jerk me awake. Grumbling under my breath, I swung my legs over the side of my bed and got up to leave the room.

  How much longer was I going to have to deal with this? Jumping from planet to planet and getting into life-or-death situations? The adventure was fun, sure, as was getting to see the galaxy but getting shot at and at risk of being eaten on various occasions wasn't my idea of pleasant.

  I also knew that staying with Ro meant we'd just keep running until whatever or whoever he was running from caught up and killed us or some random alien did first. I wanted to explore, I didn't want to just survive.

  Walking up to the control panel, I pulled up several displays. Putting a map on one, I brought up schematics and data on the others. Keying in specific requirements, I glanced at the map to see it going through stars and solar systems.

  The constant howling of the beasts outside was seemingly the last straw. Another display came up, listing planets that met the requirements I entered as the map kept moving. Typing some more, I listed some new parameters to shorten the list.

  "What are you doing?" Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Ro walking in.

  "I'm done, Ro. It's been months. Hell, I'm not even sure how long now." I stated. "I lost track a long time ago, to be honest."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Since you took me from Earth." Sighing, I shook my head. "I still don't even really know why you're on the run, but I'm done. It was fun at first getting to see all these new things, but having to rush about all the time is so tiring. I want to do things on my terms again."

  Ro was quiet, looking at me while just standing there, and I sat down. Waving my hand at the running display screens, I continued to speak.

  "You can come with me. I know you're trying to avoid your own kind as much as possible, so I'm only picking planets with little to no Yautja activity recorded. If we're careful....we won't have to keep running."

  "You wish to....settle?"

  "Well, I certainly don't want to die from some random alien attack or giant predators tearing me apart, I know that much for certain. We've crashed, what, twice now on top of that?" Glancing at Ro I crossed my arms. "Once the ship is fixed, I'm going to one of these planets, and you can't stop me. If you stay with me or keep moving, that's up to you, Ro." I stated, and another howl came from outside.

  "I understand." Ro gave a short nod before getting closer to the control panel. "You forgot to check if the year-round weather is survivable." He added, and the list of planets shrank again after he added the new requirement. Smiling softly, I was glad he wasn't going to fight my decision, but....he didn't say if he'd stay with me or not.


  Sighing, I leaned on the wooden rail while cupping the glass of tea in my hands. A gentle breeze rolled by, causing the exotic flora in the front garden to billow as birds called in the surrounding trees. The chickens, or, well, the closest thing to chickens on this planet, were clucking and scratching at the dirt, pecking at bugs and seeds on the ground. They honestly looked like a weird mix of a terrier and a hawk, but calling them chickens just seemed easier.

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