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"Fucking hell"


It just happened in seconds.
As I was going to placed his cup, someone bumped into me from behind and at the same time 'alpha king' stood out with his phone and I abruptly knocked into his hard and brick form.

My cup slipped from my hand and lil amount of coffee spilled over the back of my hand and the rest was all over his expensive Armani suit. Not only this, the clatter of something hit the ground next to me also caught my attention. That was his iphone XS MAX.

I was horrified as my eyes widened.oh my god!! I have done double shit.oh!!Both his items are expensive. I dont think i can go home safely tonight. Oh mumma!!!! What should i do now??

"Iam extremely sorry sir, I really am."

Ignoring my half of the burned hand, I said nervously as i picked up his phone and carefully hold out his cracked screen phone to him in my palm.

I quickly glanced up at him and then his expensive suit jacket for which I felt sorry literally. Eyebrows were furrowed in deep aggregation as he stared down at his iphone, then slowly his gaze shifted upon me. To say, he was angry would be an understatement. His ocean-blue eyes gleamed with burning gaze. I gulped slowly.

"You bloody..!!" He growled slowly. "What the fuck have you done..huh..?"

My heart was beating so fast like it would burst out any moment.without unlocking his blazing gaze from me he knocked the phone out of my palm and threw it away like some paper ball.

I gasped and retreated back as I heard the clattering of the phone particles falling to the ground again.

This is going too much!!

"I apologised, sir! it was pure accident as someone pushed me from behind, I think. Iam so sorry. I...." I looked at the phone particles scattered on the ground " sorry." My palms were getting sweaty, I was hoping he won't drag this matter into further more as it was unintentional.

why would someone pushed me...who was it?

Still having lethal look on his face He regarded me and folded his arms across his broad chest. Why does he have to look so intimidating and superior.

"Now now, It is as useless as you are, you lil vermin. Or You wished that it would have been in your pocket rather than scaterred on the ground. Is it?" He said rudely gesturing his phone.His voice was still malicious and low.


I was dumbfounded. What the hell did he mean by that? Why would he say that even if its in anger? Does he consider me as some cheap person.

"I..what......what are you saying?" I asked stuttering." I took harsh breath, composed myself and said "I just told you it was mistake, sir. Its one thing to rebuke me for my mistake,You might be richi-rich but you have no right to abuse me with your unpleasant words."

Without changing his smug and stony expressions, he walked forward and stood close to me. His intense ocean-eyed gaze was so strong and fiery that I felt a wave of apprehension and accelerated heartbeat.

"Fake fairy innocent face, greedy heart and cunning mind, you must have won numerous richi-rich hearts. Ain't you?"

"Why yo.....

Without giving me the chance to speak, he continued his rude remarks.

"I have seen alot disguised kinds of you, wearing the two timer mask , fucking low peasant.whose name itself is money, you can tell her nature and indulgence for it." He taunted ".....done playing your chance? Little dove." And asked tightly.

I stared at him in disbelief at his false accusation. I didnt know how to respond to him. I felt a strange prickling in my eyes, realizing tears were forming in them. I glanced around, noticing almost all the customer's attention were on us. I took one step back.This is huge humiliation. This man is bloody insane. what did he think of himself. Arrogant jerk!!

I swallowed down the stupid knot in my throat. noticing my reaction of hurt, his eyes gleamed with utmost triumph as his lips curved in side smirk.

"I think that's enough, Daniel". The source of another male voice made me look behind the jerk. It was an older man, Gabriel came for my rescue.

Without breaking his steel like gaze and smirk, that jerk again remarked,

"No,Gabriel. These low ranked people need to recognize their status and stop their wicked sense of humour." He remarked fiercely.

"You never got the character to insults women,D. Just because of destroyed mere phone or jacket which was unintentionally done. She is innocent."
Kind Gabriel said.

"Innocent? Is it lil dove? Even doves need a lot of attention, many treats and toys and. and. and a big cage."He replied mockingly.

Anger flowed through my veins like lava. What is his problem with me? Enough is enough. I mustered up the courage to object to such spiteful remarks.

"What the hell are you huh? What do you think of yourself? Iam not saying anything rudely in return, it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want to me. I already apologised for my mistake. You cannot abused me in that humiliating way, I have done nothing to earn such!"

"Dont you fucking dare to utter another word from your filthy mouth." He snarled lowly.

"Or what?" I snapped unable to control the shakiness in my voice. "What will you do. Huh?" I bravely asked.

In a split second a small cruel smile formed at the corner of his lips, which sent shivers of fear down my spine.

"You dont know who I am, lil dove. I would suggest you to keep your filthy mouth shut."

I swallowed down a lump in my throat.
The kings. Who are they??

I glanced at Tristen who was enjoying his latte without any care around him but had secret amusement in his eyes and Mr. Noah was regarding us with still stoned face.

"Alright..." Gabriel gently gave jerk a push away from me.

"Daniel! Dont you remember about the business meeting with your lovely valina this evening? you are wasting time on such unimportant happenings. Are these important? "

"You are comparing my valina to this silly creature?" Alpha jerk kings declared eyeing me with much disgust.

"So, I suggest we need to leave now if you dont want to delay the meeting time." Gabriel said gesturing other two for their leave.

At the same time Tristen stood up and walked toward us. He stopped near jerk and whispered something in his ear. with tighten jaw the jerk face glared at me intensely and he approached me and said in very icy cold voice.

"Consider it your lucky day, Dove. You can cross my path but never get caught my eyes."

He again took a look at his ruined jacket suit and throw a very mean look my way.

"Fucking nuisance!!"

He pulled put a new phone from his jacket pocket,giving me last angry glance he stormed away with phone attaching to his ear. Gabriel and stoned face noah followed him outside. Tristan walked my way and said,

"Pretty lady, dont worry about his things. As you can see they are easily
Replaceable. But I suggest that you to take care of yourself around him, I mean if you ever came across him in future. And thanks for my latte, I really enjoyed it. And yes, the "someone" bumped into you was dressed in something like yours but in more revealing way. You guess it. I gotta go now." He winked and walked away.

I blankly stood there watching their retreating figures.

What the hell just happened??


Hey guys, iam requesting you if you are liking my story ..pls pls vote and comment for will really motivate me to go on and am trying to improve day by day...your feedback really means alot to me.

Thank you.

Be safe.

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