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Wendy in a drunken state confessed that Irene is not her ideal type. Initially, Wendy only pursued Irene for being enamored of her beautiful appearance. Wendy said that Irene is too strong and independent to become a wife. That she will not choose Irene as the last stop. Wendy is not confident enough to protect Irene’s life, she has never been enough. Irene at that time, although it was heartbreaking, she just thought it was a good word when she was drunk. But now, she realized the words when she was drunk, the most honest words.

Standing in front of the door, Irene wandered inside. She thought, that ending was good. Now in her heart there was someone else, if Wendy wholeheartedly for her, would surely suffer. Irene did not want anyone to be pitiful. She is not a selfish person, she just needs to be willing and happy, she will let it go. Now, Irene just feels heartbroken for herself. What did she do to suffer such torment?

Career advancement, regressing in love.

Irene didn't think she could be hurt by someone like this one day. In the end, did Seulgi give her what makes Irene remember to breathe like this?

Every time she thought of her, she felt relentless.

Seulgi must have been in that room, facing four cold walls, would be very angry with her. Irene didn't feel like seizing Seulgi that she made a mistake. She did wrong, paying the price for her sins is natural. But, what she felt should have done, was to tell her true feelings. Irene thought, Seulgi would think that after capturing her, she would be very gloating and live happily with the one she loved. She wanted her to know that she was not happy when she was. She really felt sorry, when Seulgi still did not know the person she loved the most, also had feelings for her.

Since last night, Irene hasn't eaten anything yet, she's a little hungry. In fact, she was also unable to eat or drink anything. Irene just wants to lie in a gnaw on this pain. Then she will return to being a resilient Irene. Even if she closed her heart, became emotionally paralyzed, Irene did not like her being as mushy as she was now. Maybe Irene will choose a rigid and bland person before meeting Seulgi. At that time, although she was alone, she did not have faith, but at least she had the motivation to move forward in work, in life. That day, she was like a person with no soul but a healthy heart. Now, Irene is like a person with a soul but carries deep wounds. She tiredly walked into the kitchen, cooking herself a bowl of noodles. Her mouth was dry, and eating nothing did everything scathing. Irene now understands what it is like to feel lost. When old, she always heard people say that, when falling in love, the heart will really hurt. At that time, she thought it was just metaphor. Micro-love is just a kind of emotion, how can there be a scientific impact on the heart? However, now that she was in love, she realized, it turned out, her heart was hurt. Irene really didn't know if it was because she imagined this pain or not, but she found her chest aching, heavy to breathe. Tears seemed to flow out all the time. She was not a teary-eyed person, what could now be because a rotten person would shed tears?

Tears came back to think of her dark future and Seulgi came out. At that moment, her phone vibrated frantically, interrupting Irene’s line of thought.

Pale limb like Irene’s lifeless dry arm stretches out to take the phone. She didn't need to look at it. It was Eun-ae’s number. Because now, her life aside from work, who else? Irene said lazily.
"Hello" But, unlike the usual calmness, Eun-ae sounded very urgent to inform her.
"Captain, hurry up and come to the office, something happened" Irene heard that, the chopsticks in her hand were hard pressed. Her eyes were wide and bright in the dark room.
"What is up?" She quickly answered.

"Captain, the lawyer appeared, sitting here demanding to meet you"

Irene’s mind was a bit reeling. She didn't think Yerim could have been anywhere on this globe, and could return so quickly to Seulgi. She was a little scared to face Yerim. Irene knows, Seulgi may not blame her, but Yerim definitely does. She had treated the person she loved so much, saying that she was not angry at the smoke on her head.

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